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All documents related to "Greece"

FCCC/NC/15Greece. Executive Summary of the national communication of Greece submitted under Articles 4 and 12 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.14/12/1995Vol. 4
GRC/COM/2 BGreece. Second national communication of Hellenic Republic to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: Review of the Greek national action plan for the abatement of CO2 and other greenhouse gases emissions.13/02/1998Vol. 4
FCCC/IDR.1/GRCGreece. Report on the in-depth review of the national communication of Greece.07/05/1999Vol. 4
FCCC/IDR.2/GRCGreece. Report on the in-depth review of the second national communication of Greece.25/07/2000Vol. 4
GRC/COM/1 EGreece. The Greek action programme for climate change.31/05/2002Vol. 4
FCCC/WEB/IRI(3)/2001/GRCGreece. Report of the individual review of the greenhouse gas inventory of Greece submitted in the year 2001. (Centralized review).31/05/2002Vol. 3
GRC/COM/3 EGreece. Third national communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.20/02/2003Vol. 4
FCCC/SBSTA/2003/Misc.4Methodological issues. Issues relating to Articles 5, 7 and 8 of the Kyoto Protocol. Draft technical guidance on methodologies for adjustments under Article 5, paragraph 2, of the Kyoto Protocol, taking into account the results of the case studies for simulating the calculation of adjustments. Submissions from Parties.01/04/2003Vol. 3
FCCC/SBSTA/2003/Misc.5Methodological issues. Land use, land-use change and forestry: definitions and modalities for including afforestation and reforestation activities under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol. Draft text for modalities. Submissions from Parties.09/04/2003Vol. 3
FCCC/SBI/2003/Misc.1Financial matters relating to Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. Financial mechanism: the Special Climate Change Fund. Activities, programmes and measures of the Special Climate Change Fund. Submissions from Parties.10/04/2003Vol. 3
FCCC/SBSTA/2003/Misc.3Methodological issues. Review of methodological work under the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol. Initial views on needs for specific methodological activities and on a strategic approach to future methodological work. Submissions from Parties.10/04/2003Vol. 3
FCCC/SBSTA/2003/INF.1Methodological issues. Review of methodological work under the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol. Synthesis and elements of a possible work programme. Note by the secretariat.02/05/2003Vol. 3