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All documents related to "international cooperation"

GBR/COM/1 BUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the). Climate change: The UK programme: United Kingdom's report under the Framework Convention on Climate Change.04/05/1994 
NLD/COM/1 BNetherlands (the). Netherlands' national communication on climate change policies.25/01/1995 
JPN/COM/1 BJapan. Japan's action report on climate change.10/02/1995Vol. 4
USA/COM/1 BUnited States of America (the). Climate action report: Submission of the United States of America under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.14/02/1995 
FIN/COM/1 FFinland. Finland's national report under the United Nation's Framework Convention on Climate Change.08/03/1995Vol. 4
PRT/COM/1 EPortugal. Portuguese report in accordance with article 12 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.08/03/1995Vol. 4
CHE/COM/1 BSwitzerland. Convention-cadre des nations unies sur les changements climatiques: Rapport de la Suisse, 1994.16/03/1995Vol. 4
FRA/COM/1 BFrance. National programme for the mitigation of climate change.20/03/1995Vol. 4
POL/COM/1 BPoland. Republic of Poland. National report to the first Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.20/03/1995Vol. 4
MEX/COM/1 EMexico. First national communication for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.30/10/1997Vol. 4
FRA/COM/2 BFrance. Second national communication of France under the Climate Convention.11/02/1998Vol. 4
USA/COM/2 BUnited States of America (the). Climate action report: 1997 submission of the United States of America under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.17/03/1998Vol. 4
FCCC/SBSTA/2001/2Report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on its Fourteenth Session Bonn, 24-27 July 2001.18/09/2001Vol. 3
MEX/COM/2 BMexico. México segunda comunicación nacional ante la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático.28/11/2001Vol. 4
FCCC/SBSTA/2002/Misc.9Cooperation with relevant international organizations. Submissions from Parties. Note by the secretariat.09/04/2002Vol. 3
FCCC/SBSTA/2002/3Cooperation with relevant international organizations. Cooperation with other conventions: progress report on the work of the Joint Liaison Group between the secretariats of the UNFCCC, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Note by the secretariat.15/04/2002Vol. 3
FCCC/SBSTA/2002/4Methodological issues. Land use, land-use change forestry: Definitions and modalities for including afforestation and reforestation activities under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol. Workshop on the terms of reference and an agenda for work relating to afforestation and reforestation activities under the clean development mechanism in the first commitment period. Note by the Chairman.16/05/2002Vol. 3