Symbol | Title | Date | Volume |
A/AC.237/Misc.1/Add.1 | Preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Set of informal papers provided by delegations, related to the preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Addendum. | 22/05/1991 | |
A/AC.237/WG.II/CRP.3 | Preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Elements relating to mechanisms. Legal and institutional mechanisms related to scientific cooperation, monitoring and information (Decision 1/1, annex. para. 7 (b)). Australia: alternative proposal for Article (c) (research and systematic observation) of document A/AC.237/8. | 18/09/1991 | |
A/AC.237/WG.II/CRP.4 | Preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Elements relating to mechanisms. Legal and institutional mechanisms related to scientific cooperation, monitoring and information (Decision 1/1, annex. para. 7 (b)). Netherlands: proposal for an alternative annex to Annex II (research and systematic observation) of document A/AC.237/Misc.8. | 18/09/1991 | |
A/AC.237/Misc.17/Add.2 | Consolidated working document. Addendum. V. Cooperation on science, research, information and education. | 19/12/1991 | |
A/AC.237/Misc.17/Add.6 | Consolidated working document. Addendum. Annex: I. Research [development] and systematic observation. | 19/12/1991 | |
A/AC.237/L.14/Add.3 | Completion of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Draft proposed by the Chairman. Addendum 3. | 08/05/1992 | |
DNK/COM/1 B | Denmark. Climate protection in Denmark: National report of the Danish Government in accordance with article 12 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 19/09/1994 | Vol. 4 |
AUS/COM/1 B | Australia. Climate change: Australia's national report under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 09/01/1995 | Vol. 4 |
NLD/COM/1 B | Netherlands (the). Netherlands' national communication on climate change policies. | 25/01/1995 | |
NOR/COM/1 B | Norway. Norway's national communication under the Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 25/01/1995 | Vol. 4 |
NZL/COM/1 B | New Zealand. Climate change: The New Zealand response: New Zealand's first national communication under the Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 25/01/1995 | Vol. 4 |
CZE/COM/1 F | Czech Republic (the). The Czech Republic's first communication on the national process to comply with the commitments under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 27/01/1995 | |
DEU/COM/1 B | Germany. Environmental policy - Climate protection in Germany. First report of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany pursuant to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 27/01/1995 | Vol. 4 |
JPN/COM/1 B | Japan. Japan's action report on climate change. | 10/02/1995 | Vol. 4 |
PRT/COM/1 E | Portugal. Portuguese report in accordance with article 12 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 08/03/1995 | Vol. 4 |
CHE/COM/1 B | Switzerland. Convention-cadre des nations unies sur les changements climatiques: Rapport de la Suisse, 1994. | 16/03/1995 | Vol. 4 |
ITA/COM/1 B | Italy. First Italian national communication to the Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 20/03/1995 | Vol. 4 |
POL/COM/1 B | Poland. Republic of Poland. National report to the first Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 20/03/1995 | Vol. 4 |
ROM/COM/1 F | Romania. Romania first national communications concerning the national process of applying the provisions of the Framework Convention of Climatic Changes. | 20/03/1995 | Vol. 4 |
FCCC/SBSTA/1996/Misc.4 | Scientific assessments (a) Consideration of the Second Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (b) Research and observation issues. National communications. Establishment of a roster of experts. Development and transfer of technologies. Comments from Parties. Note by the secretariat. | 23/05/1996 | Vol. 1 |
FCCC/SBSTA/1996/10/Add.1 | Programme of work. Progress report on issues in the programme of work of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice. Research and systematic observation. Note by the secretariat. | 08/07/1996 | Vol. 1 |
FCCC/SBSTA/1997/2 | Cooperation with relevant international organizations. Progress report on research and systematic observation. Note by the secretariat. | 04/02/1997 | Vol. 2 |
DEU/COM/2 B | Germany. Environmental policy - Climate protection in Germany. Second report of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany pursuant to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 14/10/1997 | Vol. 4 |
ISL/COM/2 B | Iceland. Second status report for Iceland pursuant to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 16/10/1997 | Vol. 4 |
URY/COM/1 F | Uruguay. First national communication of Uruguay. | 30/10/1997 | Vol. 4 |
AUS/COM/2 B | Australia. Climate Change: Australia's second national report under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 10/02/1998 | Vol. 4 |
DNK/COM/2 B | Denmark. Denmark's second national communication on climate change: Submitted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 11/02/1998 | Vol. 4 |
JPN/COM/2 B | Japan. Japan's second national communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 12/02/1998 | Vol. 4 |
PRT/COM/2 B | Portugal. Portugal's second report to be submitted to the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 13/02/1998 | Vol. 4 |
AUT/COM/2 B | Austria. Second national climate report of the Austrian Federal Government in compliance with the obligations under Art. 12 of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (Federal Law Gazette No. 414/1994). | 17/02/1998 | Vol. 4 |
CAN/COM/3 B | Canada. Canada's second national report on climate change: Actions to meet commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 17/02/1998 | Vol. 4 |
CHE/COM/2 B | Switzerland. Second national communication of Switzerland 1997: Greenhouse gas inventory 1995. | 17/02/1998 | Vol. 4 |
CZE/COM/2 B | Czech Republic (the). The Czech Republic's second communication on the national process to comply with the commitments under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 17/02/1998 | Vol. 4 |
FIN/COM/2 B | Finland. Finland's second national report under the Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 17/02/1998 | Vol. 4 |
IRL/COM/2 B | Ireland. Ireland second national communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 17/02/1998 | Vol. 4 |
NOR/COM/2 B | Norway. Norway's second national communication under the Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 17/02/1998 | Vol. 4 |
NZL/COM/2 B | New Zealand. Climate change: The New Zealand response II: New Zealand's second national communication under the Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 17/02/1998 | Vol. 4 |
USA/COM/2 B | United States of America (the). Climate action report: 1997 submission of the United States of America under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 17/03/1998 | Vol. 4 |
ZWE/COM/1 B | Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe's initial national communication on climate change. | 03/09/1998 | Vol. 4 |
FCCC/CP/1998/7 | Review of the implementation of commitments and of other provisions of the Convention. Research and systematic observation. Report on the development of the observational networks of the climate system. Note by the secretariat. | 10/09/1998 | Vol. 2 |
FCCC/CP/1998/Misc.2 | Review of the implementation of commitments and of other provisions of the convention: Research and systematic observation. Comprehensive report on the development of the observational networks of the climate system. Note by the secretariat. | 15/10/1998 | Vol. 2 |
FCCC/SBSTA/1998/CRP.6 | Matters referred to the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice by the Plenary of the Conference of the Parties. Research and systematic observation (Article 4.1 (g) and 5 of the Convention). (Agenda item 4 (h) (i) of the Conference of the Parties. | 08/11/1998 | Vol. 2 |
FCCC/CP/1998/L.4 | Review of the implementation of commitments and of other provisions of the Convention. Other matters related to implementation. Research and systematic observation (articles 4.1(g) and 5 of the Convention). Recommendation of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice. | 09/11/1998 | Vol. 2 |
FCCC/CP/1998/L.6 | Adoption of the report of the Conference of the Parties on its fourth session. Draft report of the Conference of the Parties on its fourth session. Rapporteur: Mr. Maciej Sadowski (Poland). | 10/11/1998 | Vol. 2 |
FCCC/CP/1998/L.6/Add.1 | Adoption of the report of the Conference of the Parties on its fourth session. Draft report of the Conference of the Parties on its fourth session. Part one: Proceedings. | 12/11/1998 | Vol. 2 |
FCCC/SBSTA/1998/9 | Report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on its ninth session, Buenos Aires, 3-10 November 1998. | 22/12/1998 | Vol. 2 |
FCCC/CP/1998/16 | Report of the Conference of the Parties on its fourth session, held at Buenos Aires from 2 to 14 November 1998. Part one: Proceedings. | 20/01/1999 | Vol. 2 |
FCCC/CP/1998/16/Add.1 | Report of the Conference of the Parties on its fourth session, held at Buenos Aires from 2 to 14 November 1998. Addendum. Part two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its fourth session. | 20/01/1999 | Vol. 1-4 |
FCCC/SBSTA/1999/7 | Annotations to the provisional agenda. Note by the Executive Secretary. | 17/03/1999 | Vol. 2 |
FCCC/SBSTA/1999/1 | Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary. | 22/04/1999 | Vol. 2 |
FCCC/SBSTA/1999/L.2 | Research and systematic observation. Draft conclusions by the Chairman. | 05/06/1999 | Vol. 2 |
FCCC/SBSTA/1999/L.1 | Report on the session. Draft report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on its tenth session. Rapporteur: Mr. Andrej Kranjc (Slovenia). | 07/06/1999 | Vol. 2 |
FCCC/SBSTA/1999/6 | Report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on its tenth session Bonn, 31 May - 11 June 1999. | 23/08/1999 | Vol. 2 |
FCCC/SBSTA/1999/10 | Research and systematic observation. Issues related to the Global Climate Observing Systems. Note by the secretariat. | 03/09/1999 | Vol. 2 |
FCCC/SBSTA/1999/13 | National communications from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. Guidelines for the preparation of national communications. Guidelines for the preparation of national communications by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention: Part II. Note by the secretariat. | 23/10/1999 | Vol. 2 |
FCCC/SBSTA/1999/L.11 | Report on the session. Draft report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on its eleventh session. Rapporteur: Mr. Andrej Kranjc (Slovenia). | 30/10/1999 | Vol. 2 |
FCCC/SBSTA/1999/CRP.3 | Research and systematic observation. Draft conclusions by the Chairman. | 31/10/1999 | Vol. 2 |
FCCC/CP/1999/6/Add.1 | Report of the Conference of the Parties on its fifth session, held at Bonn from 25 October to 5 November 1999. Addendum. Part two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its fifth session. | 17/01/2000 | Vol. 1-4 |
FCCC/SBSTA/1999/14 | Report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on its eleventh session Bonn, 25 October - 5 November 1999. | 31/01/2000 | Vol. 3 |
FCCC/CP/1999/7 | Review of the implementation of commitments and of other provisions of the Convention. UNFCCC guidelines on reporting and review. | 16/02/2000 | Vol. 3 |
GEO/COM/1 F | Georgia. Georgia's initial national communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 21/02/2000 | Vol. 4 |
MUS/COM/1 B | Mauritius. Initial national communication of the Republic of Mauritius under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 22/02/2000 | Vol. 4 |
FCCC/SBI/2001/INF.1 | Reports on inter-sessional activities. Work of the consultative group of experts on national communications from parties not included in Annex 1 to the Convention. | 28/06/2001 | Vol. 3 |
FCCC/SBI/2001/3 | Reports on inter-sessional activities. Work of the consultative group of experts on national communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. Report of the third meeting of the consultative group of experts on national communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. Note by the secretariat. | 29/06/2001 | Vol. 3 |
FCCC/SBI/2001/8 | Work of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. Preliminary report of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. | 18/07/2001 | Vol. 3 |
FCCC/SBI/2001/15 | National communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. Report of the Consultative Group of Experts to the subsidiary bodies. | 10/09/2001 | Vol. 3 |
FCCC/SBI/2001/14 | National communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. Third compilation and synthesis of initial national communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. Executive Summary. Note by the secretariat. | 05/10/2001 | Vol. 3 |
FCCC/SBI/2001/14/Add.1 | National communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. Third compilation and synthesis of initial national communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. Addendum. Note by the secretariat. | 05/10/2001 | Vol. 3 |
ETH/COM/1 B | Ethiopia. Initial national communication of Ethiopia to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 22/11/2001 | Vol. 4 |
TUN/COM/2 B | Tunisia. Communication initiale de la Tunisie à la Convention cadre des nations unies sur les changements climatiques. | 22/11/2001 | Vol. 4 |
CUB/COM/1 B | Cuba. República de Cuba. Primera comunicación nacional a la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático. | 28/11/2001 | Vol. 4 |
MDV/COM/1 B | Maldives. First national communication of the Republic of Maldives to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 28/11/2001 | Vol. 4 |
MNG/COM/1 B | Mongolia. Mongolia's initial national communication. | 28/11/2001 | Vol. 4 |
PAN/COM/1 B | Panama. República de Panamá. Primera comunicación nacional sobre cambio climático. | 28/11/2001 | Vol. 4 |
TCD/COM/1 B | Chad. République du Tchad. Convention cadre des nations unies sur les changements climatiques communication nationale initiale. | 28/11/2001 | Vol. 4 |
YEM/COM/1 B | Yemen. Republic of Yemen. Initial national communication under United Nations Framework Convention of Climate Change. | 28/11/2001 | |
MAR/COM/2 B | Morocco. Royaume du Maroc. Communication nationale initiale à la Convention cadre des nations unies sur les changement climatiques. | 13/12/2001 | Vol. 4 |
CHE/COM/3 B | Switzerland. Third national communication of Switzerland 2001. | 27/03/2002 | Vol. 4 |
CZE/COM/3 B | Czech Republic (the). The Czech Republic's third national communication on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 27/03/2002 | Vol. 4 |
EUR/COM/3 B | European Community. Third communication from the European Community under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 27/03/2002 | Vol. 4 |
FIN/COM/3 B | Finland. Finland's third national communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 27/03/2002 | Vol. 4 |
FRA/COM/3 B | France. Third national communication under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 27/03/2002 | Vol. 4 |
GBR/COM/3 B | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the). The UK's third national communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 27/03/2002 | Vol. 4 |
LVA/COM/2 B | Latvia. Second national communication of the Republic of Latvia under United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 27/03/2002 | |
LVA/COM/3 B | Latvia. Third national communication of the Republic of Latvia under United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 27/03/2002 | Vol. 4 |
NLD/COM/3 B | Netherlands (the). Third Netherlands' national communication on climate change policies. Prepared for the Conference of the Parties under the Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 27/03/2002 | Vol. 4 |
NZL/COM/3 E | New Zealand. National communication 2001: New Zealand's third national communication under the Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 27/03/2002 | Vol. 4 |
FCCC/SBI/2002/INF.2 | National communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. Report of the workshop on the revision of the guidelines for the preparation of national communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. Note by the secretariat. | 27/05/2002 | Vol. 3 |
ESP/COM/3 B | Spain. Tercera comunicación nacional de España Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático. | 31/05/2002 | Vol. 4 |
POL/COM/3 B | Poland. Republic of Poland: Third national communication to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 31/05/2002 | Vol. 4 |
AUT/COM/3 B | Austria. Third national climate report of the Austrian Federal Government. Third national communication in compliance with the obligations under the Framework Convention on Climate Change (Federal Law Gazette No.414/1994). | 03/06/2002 | Vol. 4 |
BEL/COM/3 B | Belgium. Belgium’s third national communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 03/06/2002 | Vol. 4 |
CIV/COM/1 E | Côte d’Ivoire. Communication national initiale de la Côte d’Ivoire. Préparée en application de la Convention cadre des nations unies sur les changements climatiques. | 03/06/2002 | Vol. 4 |
PNG/COM/1 E | Papua New Guinea. Initial national communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 04/06/2002 | Vol. 4 |
JPN/COM/3 B | Japan. Japan's third national communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 09/07/2002 | Vol. 4 |
HUN/COM/3 B | Hungary. Third national communication for the UNFCCC. | 11/07/2002 | Vol. 4 |
LIE/COM/3 B | Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein national climate report 2001. | 11/07/2002 | Vol. 4 |
BGR/COM/3 E | Bulgaria. Republic of Bulgaria: Third national communication on climate change. | 31/07/2002 | Vol. 4 |
NLD/COM/2 B | Netherlands (the). Second Netherland's national communication on climate change policies. Prepared for the Conference of the Parties under the Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 19/08/2002 | Vol. 4 |
FCCC/SBSTA/2002/Misc.15 | Research and systematic observation. Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Views on priority areas of research and questions for the scientific community relevant to the Convention. Submissions from Parties. | 06/09/2002 | Vol. 3 |
COD/COM/1 B | Democratic Republic of the Congo. Communication nationale initiale de la République Démocratique du Congo (année 1994). | 16/09/2002 | Vol. 4 |
GUY/COM/1 B | Guyana. Initial national communication in response to its commitments to the UNFCCC. | 16/09/2002 | |
HTI/COM/1 B | Haiti. République d'Haïti. Première communication scientifique nationale sur les changements climatiques. | 16/09/2002 | Vol. 4 |
MRT/COM/1 B | Mauritania. Communication initiale de la Mauritanie. | 16/09/2002 | Vol. 4 |
PRY/COM/1 B | Paraguay. Primera comunicación nacional a la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático. | 16/09/2002 | |
SVN/COM/1 B | Slovenia. Slovenia's first national communication under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 16/09/2002 | Vol. 4 |
SWZ/COM/1 B | Swaziland. First national communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 16/09/2002 | Vol. 4 |
TGO/COM/1 B | Togo. Communication nationale initiale du Togo, Convention-cadre des nations unies sur les changements climatiques. | 16/09/2002 | Vol. 4 |
ERI/COM/1 B | Eritrea. Eritrea's initial national communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). | 18/09/2002 | Vol. 4 |
BLZ/COM/1 B | Belize. First national communication to the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 25/09/2002 | |
GTM/COM/1 E | Guatemala. Primera comunicación nacional sobre cambio climático. | 25/09/2002 | Vol. 4 |
MHL/COM/1 E | Marshall Islands (the). Initial communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 25/09/2002 | Vol. 4 |
FCCC/SBI/2002/16 | National communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. Consideration of the fourth compilation and synthesis of initial national communications. Fourth compilation and synthesis of initial national communications from Parties
not included in Annex I to the Convention. Note by the secretariat. | 01/10/2002 | Vol. 3 |
FCCC/SBSTA/2002/INF.15 | Research and systematic observation. First compilation and synthesis of national reports on global climate observing systems. Note by the secretariat. | 02/10/2002 | Vol. 3 |
NAM/COM/1 B | Namibia. Initial national communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 08/10/2002 | Vol. 4 |
KHM/COM/1 B | Cambodia. Cambodia's initial national communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 09/10/2002 | Vol. 4 |
BFA/COM/1 B | Burkina Faso. Convention-cadre des nations unies sur les changements climatiques communication nationale du Burkina Faso. | 11/10/2002 | Vol. 4 |
BFA/COM/2 B | Burkina Faso. Summary of Burkina Faso's initial national communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 11/10/2002 | Vol. 4 |
TGO/COM/2 B | Togo. Initial national communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Executive summary. | 11/10/2002 | |
TJK/COM/1 B | Tajikistan. The first national communication of the Republic of Tajikistan to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 11/10/2002 | Vol. 4 |
AUS/COM/3 B | Australia. Australia's third national communication on climate change. A report under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 16/10/2002 | Vol. 4 |
DEU/COM/3 B | Germany. Third report by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany in accordance with the Framework Convention of the United Nations. | 22/10/2002 | Vol. 4 |
FCCC/SBSTA/2002/L.13 | Report on the session. Draft report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on its seventeenth session. Rapporteur: Ms. Tatyana Ososkova (Uzbekistan). | 28/10/2002 | Vol. 3 |
FCCC/SBSTA/2002/L.27 | Research and systematic observation. Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair. | 29/10/2002 | Vol. 3 |
KEN/COM/1 B | Kenya. First national communication of Kenya to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). | 28/11/2002 | |
LTU/COM/2 B | Lithuania. Lithuania’s second national communication under the Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 24/01/2003 | Vol. 4 |
GRC/COM/3 E | Greece. Third national communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 20/02/2003 | Vol. 4 |
FCCC/SBSTA/2003/9 | Research and systematic observation. Issues relating to the second report on the adequacy of the global observing system for climate in support of the UNFCCC. Note by the secretariat. | 31/03/2003 | Vol. 3 |
MKD/COM/1 E | Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (the). Macedonia's first national communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. | 01/04/2003 | Vol. 4 |
COM/COM/1 E | Comoros (the). United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Initial national communication on climate change. Executive summary. | 23/04/2003 | Vol. 4 |
COM/COM/2 E | Comoros (the). Convention-cadre des nations-unies sur les changements climatiques. Communication nationale initiale. | 23/04/2003 | Vol. 4 |
COM/COM/3 E | Comoros (the). Communication nationale initiale sur les changements climatiques. Résumé exécutif. | 29/04/2003 | Vol. 4 |