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All documents related to "statements"

A/AC.237/9Report of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change on the work of its second session, held at Geneva from 19 to 28 June 1991.19/08/1991Vol. 1
A/AC.237/12Report of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change on the work of its third session, held at Nairobi from 9 to 20 September 1991.25/10/1991Vol. 1
FCCC/CP/1995/L.1Ministerial segment: Conclusion of outstanding issues an adoption of decisions. Draft decision on agenda item 5 (b) (iii) submitted by the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole.31/03/1995Vol. 1
FCCC/CP/1996/15Report of the Conference of the Parties on its second session, held at Geneva from 8 to 19 July 1996. Part One: Proceedings.29/10/1996Vol. 1
FCCC/CP/1997/7Report of the Conference of the Parties on its third session, held at Kyoto, from 1 to 11 December 1997. Part one: Proceedings.06/03/1998Vol. 2
FCCC/CP/2002/L.6High-level segment attended by Ministers and senior officials. The Delhi Ministerial Declaration on Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Proposal by the President.31/10/2002Vol. 3
FCCC/CP/2002/L.6/Rev.1High-level segment attended by Ministers and senior officials. The Delhi Ministerial Declaration on Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Proposal by the President.01/11/2002Vol. 3