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[located on Vol. 1]
Possible features of a protocol or another legal instrument. Review of relevant conventions and other legal instruments. Note by the secretariat.
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Full text of this documents is located on Volume 1, 1991-1996
Item 3 (a), 3 (b) and 5 of the provisional agenda
At its second session, the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate (AGBM) requested the secretariat "to prepare a review of existing relevant Conventions." The AGBM specified that "the review should cover the nature of their commitments, common but differentiated responsibilities of the Parties, institutional arrangements and linkages between the conventions and their protocols or any other legal instruments, and possible regional parameters for consideration by the AGBM at its fourth session" (FCCC/AGBM/1995/7, para. 52). Pursuant to the above mandate, this note reviews existing conventions with provisions that may be relevant to the work of the AGBM. A list of the instruments that were consulted is given in the annex to this note. Most of these instruments address environmental issues, but agreements in other fields were also examined. To be as useful to the AGBM as possible, the note focuses on issues currently under discussion in the AGBM. In particular, it discusses examples of:
(a) Commitments relating to: (i) Policies and measures, and (ii) Quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives within specified time-frames (QELROs); (b) Means of differentiating the responsibilities of the Parties to reflect differences in starting points, national circumstances, and so forth; (c) Institutional arrangements for a protocol or another legal instrument; and (d) Regional approaches
Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate (AGBM), Fourth session, 11-16 July 1996, Geneva, Switzerland
QELROs conference papers policies and measures
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