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[located on Vol. 3]
Review of the implementation of commitments and of other provisions of the Convention. Preparations for the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (decision 8/CP.4). Note by the secretariat.
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Full text of this documents is located on Volume 3, 2000-2002
Agenda items 4 and 7. This document is available in English only
An table listing editorial and technical adjustments made by the secretariat to:
(a) The draft decision and annex entitled "Core elements for the implementation of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action", presented under the authority of the President dated 21 July 2001, 10.47 p.m.; and (b) The text on procedures and mechanisms relating to compliance under the Kyoto Protocol, which replaces the final section of the above-mentioned annex, dated 23 July 2001, 10.27 a.m. The purposes of these adjustments, which are reflected in document FCCC/CP/2001/L.6, are:
(a) To reflect United Nations and UNFCCC editorial guidelines; (b) To eliminate unnecessary duplication; (c) To clarify certain terms; and (d) To improve consistency across the sections of the text
Conference of the Parties (COP), Sixth session, Second part, 16-27 July 2001, Bonn, Germany
GEF LULUCF adaptation fund adaptation measures clean development mechanism climate change fund commitments compliance conference papers emission reductions financial mechanism financial resources forestry funds joint treaty implementation least developed countries mechanisms policies and measures response measures technology transfer tradable emission entitlements
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