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[located on Vol. 3]
Implementation of Article 4, paragraphs 8 and 9, of the Convention. Matters relating to the least developed countries. Input of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group on the improvement of the Guidelines for the preparation of National Adaptation Programmes of Action.
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Full text of this documents is located on Volume 3, 2000-2002
Item 7 (b) of the provisional agenda. This document is available in English only
By its decision 29/CP.7, the Conference of the Parties (COP), at its seventh session, decided to establish the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG). The terms of reference of the LEG, set out in the annex to the same decision, mandated the LEG to provide input into the review, and if necessary revision, of guidelines for the preparation of national adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs) at the eighth session of the COP. By its decision 28/CP.7, the COP decided to review, and if necessary revise, the guidelines at its eighth session, taking into account the views submitted by Parties and the LEG. The attached submission contains the input of the LEG on the improvement of the guidelines for the preparation of national adaptation programmes of action
Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), Seventeenth session, 23 October - 1 November 2002, New Delhi, India
LEG conference papers guidelines least developed countries national adaptation programmes
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