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Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) for a Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC), First session, 4-14 February 1991, Washington, DC, United States of America
A/AC.237/1Provisional agenda.18/01/1991Vol. 1
A/AC.237/1/Add.1Annotated provisional agenda.18/01/1991Vol. 1
A/AC.237/2Organizational matters: Rules of procedure. Note by the Secretariat.23/01/1991 
A/AC.237/3Tentative schedule of meetings. Note by the Secretariat.28/01/1991 
A/AC.237/4Documents relating to the meeting. Note by the Secretariat.29/01/1991 
A/AC.237/5Rules of procedure.11/02/1991 
A/AC.237/6Report of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change on the work of its first session, held at Washington, DC, from 4 to 14 February 1991.08/03/1991Vol. 1-4
A/AC.237/6/Corr.1Report of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change on the work of its first session, held at Washington, DC, from 4 to 14 February 1991. Corrigendum.19/06/1991Vol. 1
INF    (top)
A/AC.237/INF.1List of participants (INC1).12/02/1991Vol. 1
A/AC.237/L.1Adoption of the report. Draft report. Rapporteur: Mr. Ion Draghici (Romania).08/02/1991 
A/AC.237/L.1/Corr.1Adoption of the report. Draft report. Rapporteur: Mr. Ion Draghici (Romania). Corrigendum.03/02/1991 
A/AC.237/L.1/Corr.2Adoption of the report. Draft report. Rapporteur: Mr. Ion Draghici (Romania). Corrigendum.14/02/1991 
A/AC.237/L.1/Add.1Adoption of the report. Draft report. Rapporteur: Mr. Ion Draghici (Romania).12/02/1991 
A/AC.237/L.1/Add.1/Corr.1Adoption of the report. Draft report. Rapporteur: Mr. Ion Draghici (Romania). Corrigendum.14/02/1991 
A/AC.237/L.1/Add.2Adoption of the report. Draft report. Rapporteur: Mr. Ion Draghici (Romania).13/02/1991 
A/AC.237/L.1/Add.3Adoption of the report. Draft report. Rapporteur: Mr. Ion Draghici (Romania).14/02/1991 
A/AC.237/L.1/Add.4Adoption of the report. Draft report. Rapporteur: Mr. Ion Draghici (Romania).14/02/1991 
A/AC.237/L.2Organizational matters: Rules of procedure. Proposal by the Vice-Chairman.08/02/1991 
A/AC.237/L.3Organizational matters. Proposal concerning subsidiary organs submitted by the Vice-Chairman.14/02/1991 
A/AC.237/L.4Organizational matters. Draft decision submitted by the Chairman. Use of the special voluntary fund to support the participation of developing countries in the work of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change.14/02/1991Vol. 1
A/AC.237/L.4/Corr.1Projet d'ordre du jour provisoire de la troisième session. Soumis par le Président. Rectificatif.28/06/1991Vol. 1
A/AC.237/L.5Organizational matters. Draft decision submitted by the Chairman. Establishment of subsidiary organs and organization of work.14/02/1991