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[located on Vol. 4]
Australia. Climate Change: Australia's second national report under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
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Full text of this documents is located on Volume 4, NCs, IDRs
Second national communication. Full text available on the UNFCCC website
The National Greenhouse Strategy provides the main framework for Australia’s approach to addressing emissions of greenhouse gases. Progress in implementing its greenhouse gas abatement measures was described in the first National Communication. This is a dynamic strategy, and since its adoption in 1992 many additional measures with a significant impact in limiting emissions have been identified and launched. The successful Greenhouse Challenge Program of voluntary agreements for industry, detailed in Chapter 4, ‘Policies and measures’, is one example. Monitoring and reviewing of the implementation of measures are critical features of the National Greenhouse Strategy. During 1996 and 1997 a major strategic review of the Strategy, involving all spheres of government, has been taking place. The Council of Australian Governments will be proceeding to finalise the new National Greenhouse Strategy which is an outcome of this review. It will be completed by mid 1998.
Annex I Parties Australia FCCC adaptation measures climate impacts education, training and public awareness emission inventories emissions financial mechanism national communications policies and measures projections research and systematic observation technology transfer vulnerability assessment
Publication date