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[located on Vol. 4]
Latvia. Third national communication of the Republic of Latvia under United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
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Full text of this documents is located on Volume 4, NCs, IDRs
Third national communication. Full text available on the UNFCCC website
The third national communication contains the information on GHG emissions and removals in the period between 1995 and 2000. Data for 1990 are provided for the purposes of comparison and accepted as reference point. It must be noted that GHG emissions for the time period between 1990 till 1997 were not recalculated according to the new IPCC common reporting format presenting difficulties for complete analysis and comparison of data. The third National Communication offers summarised information about both the political structure of the state and Latvian climate variations. It also constrains explanation of the peculiarities of economic development and orientation of sectors of the national economy. The communication also provides a general insight in the results of annual GHG emission reports for 1990 and for the time period between 1995 and 2000, noting that data for 2000 are provisional. Information about the newest political instruments and measures for GHG emission reduction in Latvia is presented in chapter 4, giving an insight both into international financial support programs and programs implemented in the last 3 years as well as into measures planned to be implemented in the nearest future in each of GHG generating sectors. In order to estimate the future trends of GHG emissions and removal, given the present level of economic and social development and the implemented and adopted policies and measures, chapter 5 contains individual projections for each sector of economy. The next chapter provides the information about climate change impacts, vulnerability assessment and adaptation measures and chapter 7 offers the overview on the recent research and observations aimed at assessment and elimination of climate change. Efficiency of environmental solutions directly depends on the degree of knowledge of people involved, their understanding of responsibility and opportunities to contribute the process of climate change elimination therefore chapter 8 contains a concentrated information on all educational establishments, organisations and programs in Latvia aimed at informing the community about the problems addressed in this document
Annex I Parties FCCC Latvia adaptation measures anthropogenic emissions education, training and public awareness emission inventories national communications policies and measures research and systematic observation vulnerability assessment
Publication date