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[located on Vol. 4]
Hungary. Inventories, mitigation and scenarios of the greenhouse gas emissions and removals: Second national communication on the implementation of commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
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Full text of this documents is located on Volume 4, NCs, IDRs
Second national communication. Full text available on the UNFCCC website
The second national communication can be characterised by a value added feature: the new and substantial facts arising since the publication of the first communication are primarily considered. The present communication is divided into five main sections. Firstly, the national circumstances are briefly summarised. The general policy framework, the structural socio-economic development and the recent changes in the energy sector are discussed. The second section provides the annual inventories of greenhouse gas emissions and removals for the period of 1991-1995. In order to complement the calculations presented in the first national communication, additional sectoral emissions (e.g. CO2 emissions from waste) have been derived, new sources (e.g. international bunkers) have been identified. The next section describes the measures and policies which contribute to meet the emission stabilisation commitment under the convention. The projections of future emissions are presented in the fourth section with and without the key measures which are in our case basically related to a comprehensive energy savings programme. Finally, the assessment of impacts of anticipated climate change and our participation in the relevant international programs and projects are briefly discussed
Annex I Parties FCCC Hungary emission inventories emissions mitigation national communications national models national planning policies and measures
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