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[located on Vol. 1]
Administrative and financial matters. Establishment of the permanent secretariat and arrangements for its functioning. Implementation of decision 14/CP.1 on the institutional linkage of the Convention secretariat to the United Nations and related adminstrative matters. Note by the Executive Secretary.
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Full text of this documents is located on Volume 1, 1991-1996
Item 8 (a) of the provisional agenda
This note reviews the developments that have taken place since COP 1 and that are related to institutional and administrative matters relating to the functioning of the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This note should be read in conjunction with:
- FCCC/CP/1996/6/Add.1 which reports on discussions that have taken place with the United Nations and the Government of Germany on the legal arrangements for the functioning of the secretariat;
- FCCC/CP/1996/6/Add.2 which considers practical preparations for the relocation of the secretariat to Bonn and possible liaison arrangements that may be needed in Geneva;
- FCCC/CP/1996/6/Add.3, a note by the President of COP 1 regarding the appointment of the head of the Convention secretariat
Conference of the Parties (COP), Second session, 8-19 July 1996, Geneva, Switzerland
administrative aspects conference papers financial aspects institutional linkages
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