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[located on Vol. 1]
Matters relating to arrangements for the financial mechanism and for technical and financial support to developing country Parties. Provision to developing country Parties of technical and financial support. Climate Convention Cooperation Programme. Note by the interim secretariat.
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Full text of this documents is located on Volume 1, 1991-1996
Item 4 (c) of the provisional agenda
Prior to the tenth session of the Committee, this agenda item has comprised two parts: (a) the project for an information exchange system on country activities on climate change (hitherto referred to as Climex) and (b) the training programme to promote the implementation of the Convention. However, in order to consolidate its activities with its partners, the interim secretariat, for the tenth session of the Committee, has added a third element on future activities related to technical cooperation. The three parts are presented together in one document entitled "Climate Convention Cooperation Programme" that brings together all the activities undertaken and facilitated by the interim secretariat and its partners in the area of technical cooperation. Section II of this note, prepared jointly by the interim secretariat and UNEP, provides a status report on the pilot phase of the project formerly known as Climex and now referred to as CC:INFO. Section III, prepared jointly by the interim secretariat and UNITAR, presents a progress report on the pilot phase of the training programme to promote the implementation of the Convention (CC:TRAIN) that UNITAR has been implementing in conjunction with the interim secretariat. Finally, section IV of the present note has been prepared jointly by the interim secretariat, UNDP, UNEP and UNITAR and provides preliminary information on the proposed programme of technical cooperation in support of the Convention, the Climate Convention cooperation programme (CC:COPE), that would provide assistance to countries on activities that correspond to the priorities established by the Committee. The interim secretariat has been encouraging its partners in the United Nations to integrate activities of technical cooperation on climate change, in ways that ensure that those activities are undertaken within the framework of the Convention and, at the same time, that they rely on the experience and the existing work programmes of these partner institutions. Section IV also outlines plans for extension beyond the pilot phase for the CC:INFO and CC:TRAIN programmes
Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) for a Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC), Tenth session, 22 August - 2 September 1994, Geneva, Switzerland
conference papers developing countries financial mechanism
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