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[located on Vol. 1]
Information on documentation databases. Prepared by the Climate Change Secretariat (INC/FCCC) and the Information Unit on Climate Change (UNEP/WMO/IUCC). Addendum.
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Full text of this documents is located on Volume 1, 1991-1996
Addendum This document is available in English only
Participants in the sixth session of the the INC/FCCC were informed of the efforts of the interim secretariat, in collaboration with the UNEP/WMO Information Unit on Climate Change (IUCC), to build up a reference unit on climate change (A/AC.237/Misc.24). Listings of titles available in the bibliographical (CLIMA) and periodicals (CCPER) databases, as of 30 November 1992, were provided in that document. Since that date, material available from the United Nations Institiute for Training and Research (UNITAR) has been included in the computerized databases and figures in the attached listing of titles. Since December 1992, the collection of material referenced in CLIMA and CCPER has expanded. Listings of additional titles, as of 15 July 1993, are contained in the present document
Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) for a Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC), Eighth session, 16-27 August 1993, Geneva, Switzerland
bibliographies conference papers databases
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