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[located on Vol. 2]
Administrative and financial matters. Audit report by the United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services. Note by the Executive Secretary.
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Full text of this documents is located on Volume 2, 1997-1999
Item 7 of the provisional agenda
The financial procedures of the Convention stipulate that “the accounts and financial management of all funds governed by these financial procedures shall be subject to the internal and external audit process of the United Nations” (FCCC/CP/1995/7/Add.1, decision 15/CP.1, annex I, para. 18). The Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), a department of the United Nations which is responsible for the functions of internal audit, conducted an audit of the secretariat in late 1997 and early 1998. Attached to this note is the full, unedited text of the OIOS report, as requested by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation at its eighth session (see FCCC/SBI/1998/6, para. 74). The executive summary of the report, along with the reply by the secretariat to the audit observations and its report on the status of implementation of the recommendations, is contained in document FCCC/CP/1998/10
Conference of the Parties (COP), Fourth session, 2-13 November 1998, Buenos Aires, Argentina
administrative aspects conference papers financial aspects
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