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[located on Vol. 2]
Matters related to the Kyoto Protocol: Matters related to decision 1/CP.3, paragraph 5: Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol: Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol; Article 17 of the Kyoto Protocol. Draft decision by the Chairmen of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation adn draft proposal by the co-chairs of the contact group on mechanisms.
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Full text of this documents is located on Volume 2, 1997-1999
Agenda Item 5 (a) (ii)-(iv) This document is availble in English only
At their ninth sessions, the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation decided to forward to the Conference of the Parties at its fourth session the draft decision by the Chairmen of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation on the work programme on mechanisms, contained in annex I to this document, and the draft proposal by the co-chairs of the contact group on mechanisms entitled “Initial work programme on mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol”, contained in annex II
Conference of the Parties (COP), Fourth session, 2-13 November 1998, Buenos Aires, Argentina
conference papers
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