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[located on Vol. 3]
National Communications from Parties included in annex I to the convention: Greenhouse gas inventory data from 1990 to 1998. Report on national greenhouse gas inventory data from annex I parties for 1990 to 1998. Note by the secretariat.
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Item 9 of the provisional agenda This document is available in English only
The latest available GHG data for 1990-1998, and data from earlier submissions for Annex I Parties that have not yet reported inventories this year, have been compiled in this document. It contains a brief description of the status of reporting of annual GHG emission inventories, highlighting the timeliness of reporting and completeness of the data reported. The tables contain data on GHG emissions and removals by 38 out of 40 Annex I Parties 2 for the period 1990-1998, where available, as provided in the annual submissions of GHG inventories or national communications
Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), Thirteenth session, First part, 11-15 September 2000, Lyon, France
Annex I Parties conference papers emission inventories national communications
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