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[located on Vol. 2]
Trends of financial flows and terms and conditions employed by Multilateral Lending Institutions. First technical paper on terms of transfer of technology and know-how.
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Full text of this documents is located on Volume 2, 1997-1999
This document is available in English only
The first Conference of the Parties (COP1) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in its decision 13/CP1 (FCCC/CP/1995/7/Add.1), requested the secretariat to prepare a paper on the terms of transfer of technology and know-how.This is the first technical paper prepared by the secretariat to respond to the above mandate. It has been compiled from readily available information provided by multilateral development banks and other institutional organizations. For this reason, most of the information contained herein does not represent new data or original research. However, it has been synthesized by the secretariat to provide Parties participating in the UNFCCC process with an overview of recent investment trends and terms, particularly those of multilateral institutions. Recognizing that the issue of terms of transfer has many aspects, the work has been divided into two categories:
(a) legal and institutional measures affecting admission and establishment, ownership and control as well as operation of foreign goods (technologies), services and firms; and
(b) investment and financial measures affecting the transfer of technology.
This paper provides information on the second of these categories, particularly the financial conditions of multilateral institutions, although many similar conditions affect private sector lending. The information presented includes an overview of financial flows between countries, focusing on flows from developed to developing countries and to countries with economies in transition. It also provides selected information on the terms, conditions and financial criteria employed by multilateral lending institution
conference papers technical paper technology transfer technology transfer
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