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[located on Vol. 3]
Implementation of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action: Adoption of decisions giving effect to the Bonn Agreements (decision 5/cp.6). Technical and legal review. Note by the secretariat.
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Agenda item 3. This document is available in English only
At the second part of the sixth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 6, part two), the Conference noted that negotiations had been completed and consensus reached on a number of decisions. The Conference decided to forward these decisions to its seventh session for adoption. These decisions are contained in the report of the Conference of the Parties at the second part of its sixth session (see FCCC/CP/2001/5/Add.1). The secretariat has undertaken a technical and legal review of these decisions. The main conclusion of the review is that in a number of the decisions originally prepared for adoption in November 2000, the scheduling of some follow-up activities or the deadlines set for their completion have been overtaken by the delay in the intergovernmental process. These schedules and deadlines should be modified in consequence, to account for the fact that these decisions are now due to be adopted in November 2001. The review also identified other possible adjustments that could be made to these decisions to establish the link between all the decisions of the Bonn Agreements, to clarify the mandates given to the subsidiary bodies, and to clarify other technical points. The results of the technical and legal review are listed below. The President of the Conference has invited Mr. John Ashe and Mr. Harald Dovland to undertake consultations on the possible adjustments listed below and to report back to the Conference prior to the adoption of the decisions, with recommendations on appropriate action
Conference of the Parties (COP), Seventh session, 29 October - 10 November 2001, Marrakesh, Morocco
Bonn agreements conference papers legal aspects review of information technical aspects
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