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[located on Vol. 3]
Synthesis and assessment report of greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories submitted in 2000. Note by the secretariat.
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This synthesis and assessment report responds to the mandate described in paragraphs 3 and 4 above. It contains the first and the second section of the synthesis and assessment report, covering the national GHG inventories submitted in 2000 by those Annex I Parties that used the common reporting format (CRF) in accordance with the reporting guidelines. The report presently does not contain an addendum. However, inventory data, in tabular and graphical format, were prepared by the secretariat using the submissions of Parties for the year 2000 and were published in documents FCCC/SBI/2000/11 and FCCC/SBI/2000/INF.13. These documents can be regarded as a substitute for the addendum to this report. This synthesis and assessment report focuses on the inventory information submitted in the CRF and does not provide a comprehensive assessment of the national inventory reports, which have been provided by some Annex I Parties as part of their annual inventory submission. The preliminary findings included in the second section are the result of the analysis of the CRF data, taking into account additional information in the national inventory report (NIR) where applicable, performed by the secretariat and the experts who participated in the second phase of the synthesis and assessment. These comments and questions are not intended as a judgement of whether inventory problems exist, but are provided as an indication of potential issues that need to be considered further during the third stage of the review process (individual review of inventories) by the expert review teams. The secretariat hopes that the synthesis assessment of GHG inventories will also assist in assessing the usefulness of the reporting guidelines, in particular the CRF for supporting the technical review of GHG inventories and will provide useful input to the possible revision of these reporting guidelines by the COP
emission inventories
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