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[located on Vol. 3]
"Good practices" in policies and measures among Parties included in Annex I to the Convention. Submissions from Parties.
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Item 7 of the provisional agenda. This document is available in English only
The Subsidiary Body for Scientific Advice, at its sixteenth session, invited Parties to submit their views on initial results obtained from the activities undertaken on "good and best" practices in policies and measures in implementing the relevant elements of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action and decision 13/CP.7 (FCCC/SBSTA/2002/6, para. 45 (c) and (h)). It also invited Parties to submit, by 18 August 2002, their views on a frame for defining the further steps to be taken in implementing decision 13/CP.7 (FCCC/SBSTA/2002/6, para. 45 (e) and (h)). The secretariat has received six submissions. In accordance with the procedure for miscellaneous documents, these submissions are attached and reproduced in the language in which they were received and without formal editing
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), Seventeenth session, 23-29 October 2002, New Delhi, India
Annex I Parties Australia Canada Croatia Czech Republic Denmark European Community Hungary Iran (Islamic Republic of) Japan Lithuania Slovakia Slovenia United States conference papers policies and measures
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