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All documents related to "Kuwait"

A/AC.237/Misc.1/Add.9Preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Set of informal papers provided by delegations, related to the preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Note by the secretariat. Addendum 9.24/06/1991 
FCCC/SBSTA/1995/Misc.3/Add.1Establishment of intergovernmental technical advisory panels. Comments from Parties. Note by the secretariat. Addendum.31/10/1995Vol. 1
FCCC/AGBM/1997/Misc.1Implementation of the Berlin Mandate. Proposals from Parties. Note by the secretariat.19/02/1997Vol. 2
FCCC/SBSTA/1997/Misc.2Cooperation with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Long-term emissions profiles. Comments from Parties. Note by the secretariat.19/02/1997Vol. 2
FCCC/SBI/1997/15Arrangements for intergovernmental meetings. Amendments to the Convention or its annexes: Letters from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Azerbaijan Republic, the Netherlands (on behalf of the European Community and its Member States) and Kuwait proposing amendments to the Convention or its annexes. Note by the secretariat.20/06/1997Vol. 2
FCCC/CP/1995/Misc.1Matters relating to commitments. Review of the adequacy of Article 4, paragraph 2 (A) and (B). Comments from Parties and other member States. Note by the interim secretariat.09/03/1999Vol. 2