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All documents related to "Vanuatu"

A/AC.237/Misc.1/Add.3Preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Set of informal papers provided by delegations, related to the preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Note by the secretariat. Addendum 3.18/06/1991 
A/AC.237/Misc.1/Add.3/Corr.1Preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Set of informal papers provided by delegations, related to the preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Note by the secretariat. Corrigendum to addendum 3.20/06/1991 
A/AC.237/WG.I/L.9Statement on commitments submitted by the delegation of Vanuatu on behalf of the States members of the Alliance of Small Island States to Working Group I at the fourth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee.19/12/1991 
A/AC.237/WG.I/L.9/Corr.1Statement on commitments submitted by the delegation of Vanuatu on behalf of the States members of the Alliance of Small Island States participating in the fourth session of the Committee, to Working Group I. Corrigendum.24/12/1991 
A/AC.237/Misc.1/Add.17Preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Set of informal papers provided by delegations, related to the preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Note by the secretariat. Addendum 17.21/02/1992 
VUT/COM/1 FVanuatu. Vanuatu national communication to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.22/02/2000Vol. 4
FCCC/SBI/2001/Misc.1Matters relating to the least developed countries. Compilation of submissions on financial needs for the preparation of national adaptation programmes of action by least developed countries. Note by the secretariat.05/10/2001Vol. 3
FCCC/CP/2001/Misc.4Implementation of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action. Statements made in connection with the approval of The Bonn Agreements on the implementation of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action (decision 5/CP.6). Note by the secretariat.23/10/2001Vol. 3