Much has been achieved during the past 25 years since independence; but much still remains to be done in the forthcoming quarter of a century to the year 2020.
These future achievements will have to be made in a world context that is constantly changing and presents three particular challenges.
Social welfare
The Mauritian population is expected increase to 1.37 million by 2020, with the most economically active age groups representing about 69% of the total population. The proportion of young adults staying in the learning/training sphere will increase, resulting in the building up of a top quality work force which is expected to be enterprising, well qualified, highly skilled and productive. This will be crucial for the structural transformation of the economy. Tolerance and mutual respect for other communities and cultures will continue to be the key to social harmony.
The welfare state will be maintained but there would be changes in its organization and funding. The welfare state in Mauritius has so far not been a burden impeding sustained economic growth in the past but a major factor in the social cohesion that has been a pre-requisite for economic progress. The ageing of the population will be a problem.
Good quality education and a continuous programme of upgrading of human resources would ensure that every one contributes to socio-economic developments and shares fully in its benefits.
The slowing down in population growth should help in solving the housing problem.
Mauritius is aiming towards a thriving, competitive and modern society, where the population will enjoy a standard of living, with a GDP three times as great as in 1995.
Institutions and economic operators, both from the public and private sectors, will have to think globally on international relations, diplomacy, marketing, etc. Acquiring the crucial market and political knowledge in advance, building the best contacts and positioning for a better deal will be the main elements of a winning globalization strategy.
Shifts from a custodial state to an enabling one, promoting co-operative partnership with private industry, the community and the individual will have to be encouraged. A cost-effective Government will be counter-balanced by a greater role of the private sector in the provision of essential services. Private industry will assume greater responsibility towards the community.
Agriculture, the first cylinder of growth, will have to include greater application of modern machinery, more efficient irrigation practices and improved crop varieties. Improved productivity while maintaining sugar production will release land for higher diversification into high-value added products of cash-crops.
The next cylinder of growth is manufacturing. Modernization and consolidation will need to be encouraged with a move towards new technology and specialization to improve efficiency of production and marketing. Despite the inevitable opening of the world to free trade, Mauritius will be able to move up-market into high-value added niches. Productivity, design and quality shall be the means for Mauritius to enhance its competitiveness on international markets.
Tourism, the third cylinder of growth, will experience rapid transformation. Expansion of the tourist industry will continue while ensuring the delicate ecological balance. Globalization will certainly fuel the demand for international travel and both domestic and international flight companies will aggressively compete to provide best services at low cost. Mauritius will continue to remain a top class quality destination and in addition a meeting place for the people in the Indian Ocean Rim nations.
Quatenary sector
The quatenary sector, comprising the new high-tech international financial services, is poised to become a lead sector and an industry in its own right and serve as the driving force behind the integration of the economy in the global market. The quaternary sector is expected to contribute to around 28% of GDP. The highly specialized and high value-added services sector, particularly the financial services comprising: off-shore banking, fund management, stock exchange, insurance, etc, will occupy a dominant role in the economic activities. Other services that are likely to come up are publishing and pre-press printing activities, production of multimedia materials, professional tele-services, data-capturing, computer software services, information services related to manufacturing and freeport services.
Political stability, founded on democratic institutions coupled with honest and efficient public administration operating in a transparent and predictable manner has been the pillar of past national successes. The maintenance of both of these is vital to the 2020 aspirations.
Carbon dioxide is the dominant greenhouse
gas and it contributed to 94% of the total emissions of Mauritius. The
main sources are combustion of fossil fuels for stationary energy and transport.
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Total energy requirements by 2020 will be around 1.5 M TOE. Electric power requirement is estimated at 3500-4000 GWh out of which about 30% could be generated mainly from bagasse. Improving generation efficiency and energy saving would result in a reduction of 30% of imported sources.
Projections of total inland energy requirement
34 119
43 549
55 184
70 082
81 715
95 406
Gasoline |
83 958
94 421
106 438
109 013
120 172
131 330
Kerosene |
42 922
28 568
193 720
421 499
686 552
1 054 652
Diesel |
120 307
146 062
170 450
196 693
216 988
268 242
Fuel Oil |
182 746
172 755
168 859
111 794
168 436
128 194
Coal |
63 086
275 876
277 468
279 142
280 900
282 749
Bagasse |
1 639 810
1 600 000
1 600 000
1 600 000
1 600 000
1 600 000
Fuel wood |
Charcoal |
The adopted policy is to increase power generation from local resources namely bagasse, a by-product of the sugar industry with the necessary investments in technology. Innovative high technologies will be explored in joint ventures. The identified strategic initiatives are:
The use of fossil fuels in the transportation sector accounts for about 30% of emissions in 1995 and it is projected that this will reach 40% by 2020.
Transport demand projections
1995 | 2000 | 2005 | 2010 | 2015 | 2020 | |
Passenger km (M) | 7 663 | 8 618 | 9 694 | 10 819 | 11 926 | 13 009 |
Freight km
(M tonnes) |
1 541 | 1 854 | 2 253 | 2 735 | 3 305 | 3 952 |
Passenger transport will most likely be influenced by the introduction of a mass transit system by the year 2005 while freight transport is being improved through the use of vehicles with higher payloads.
Possible measures to further limit emissions are:
Residential, commercial
Emissions from the residential and commercial sectors are actually standing at 148.389 Gg and expected to increase sharply. Adopted measures to-date have proved beneficial and there still exists room for improvement through the following strategies:
GHG emissions from this sector are minimal and result from burning of sugar cane fields prior to harvest, N2O from artificial fertilizers, enteric fermentation and manure management.
The current policy is to promote green cane harvesting and trash blanketing while attempts are being made to reduce inputs of artificial fertilizers.
Applicable measures in Mauritius are:
Mauritius with its limited land resource is not contributing to emissions through changes in land use and no significant evolution is expected in the future. It is projected that about 1% of agricultural land will be lost to urbanization. The forest areas are also not projected to change.
The forest areas declared as nature reserves and parks as well as mountain and river reserves are well protected by the necessary legislations and will continue to act as sinks.
Additional measures are: