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Name: Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo

Purpose: The Center for Climate System Research was established in order to promote research activities in climate system by using climate models and to provide facilities for the collaborative utilization by investigators in this research field in national universities throughout Japan.

Types of Establishment: Institution for national collaborative utilization.

Date of Establishment: April 12, 1991


Processes of Establishment : The Geodesy Council proposed a need for planning of a research organization focused on the climate system in March 1989 and then a specific plan was studied the Science Council of Japan. Meanwhile, "Studies on variations of global environment with a central target in Asian Pacific Regions" was approved as a priority research project in the "New Program" proposed by the Science Council in July 1989 and it was recommended that the Center for Climate System Research shouldbe established in order to promote this research project.

March 1989 : The Geodesy Council proposed a need for "planning of a research organization focused on the climate system. "

July 1989 : The Science Council approved "Studies on variations of global environment with a central target in Asian Pacific regions" as a priority research project in its "New Program".

December 1990 : The government budget for the 1991 fiscal year provded for the establishment of CCSR at the University of Tokyo as an institute for national collaboration.

April 1991 : The Preparation Office of the Center opened in the Faculty of Science at the University of Tokyo.

April 1991 : CCSR was established. The facilities of the Center were set up in the Seventh Building of the Faculty of Science at the University of Tokyo.

October 1991 : The Endowed Research Division (Global Climatology) was established (Active until September 1996).

February 1992 : The Center moved to the new facilities (Firsrt construction:631‡u) on the Komaba ‡U campus, 4-6-1, Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo.

March 1993 : The Center's building was expanded (Second construction:302‡u).

April 1997: The Endowed Research Division (Global Climate Variability) was established (Active until March 2000).

May 1999: External Evaluation was performed.

May 2000: The Endowed Research Division was closed.

April 2001: The Center for Climate System Research (2nd generation) was established (Active until March 2011).

April 2004: Upon the recorganization of The University of Tokyo as a National University Corporation, CCSR was reestablished as one of Shared Facilities(Open to all scholars in Japan).

March 2005: The Center moved to the General Research Building in the Kashiwa Campus, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba.


[Advisory Board]
Discuss organization and personnel matters. Consists of the director, professors of CCSR, and some professors from other departments of the University of Tokyo.
[Executive Board]
Discuss research plans and projects. Consists of the director, professors and associate professors of CCSR, and scientists closely related to CCSR.
[Research Division]
Consists of the Climate System Modeling Research Section, Atmosphere System Modeling Research Section, Ocean System Modeling Research Section, Climate Variability Research Section, Climate Data Analysis Section, and Climate Model (visiting) Research Section, with 12 faculty members, including 2 visiting scientists.
[Frontier Sciences Project Team]
Project team for the development of applications for the climate model users.

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