気候システム研究センター(CCSR)では、ドイツ、マックスプランク気象研究 所と共同で、2005年10月31日から11月2にかけて数値気候モデリン グに関する独日ワークショップを開催致しました。 日本側からはCCSR、気象庁 気象研究所、国立環境研究所、地球環境フロンティア研究センター、地球シミ ュレーターセンター等からの研究者、マックスプランク研究所からは所長の Guy Brasseur博士を始め6名の研究者、そして香港シティー大学のJohnny Chan博士、北京大学のChunsheng Zhao博士(CCSR客員研究員)が参加し、気候 モデリングの成果と課題について活発な議論を行いました。 CCSRとマックスプ ランク気象研究所では、気候力学、気候物理・化学に関わる多くの研究を行っ ており共通課題も多いので、今後、有効な協力を図ってゆくことになりまし た。
'German-Japan Joint Workshop on Numerical Climate Modeling has been held in CCSR' Center for Climate System Research (CCSR) and Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology have held a German-Japan Joint Workshop on Numerical Climate Modeling from 31 Oct. to 2 Nov. 2005 at CCSR. Intensive discussion on the results and issues of numerical climate modeling were made by scientists from CCSR, JMA Meteorological Research Institute , National Institute for Environmental Studies, Frontier Research Center for Global Change, Earth Simulator Center; six scientists from Max Planck Institute including Dr. Guy Brasseur, director; Dr. Johnny Chan from City University of Hong Kong and Dr. Chunsheng Zhao (CCSR visiting professor). Participants agreed to seek an effective collaboration between CCSR and Max Planck Institute for Meteorology that have been conducting studies of climate dynamics, physics, and chemistry with many common interests.
German-Japan workshop photos
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Program for the German-Japan Workshop on Numerical Climate Modeling
Day 1 (31 Oct. 2005)
Time Speaker/Chair Title
Chair/ Masahide Kimoto, Jochem Marotzke
10:00 Nakajima, Brasseur Openning
10:10 Brasseur, Guy The Hamburg Earth System Model / Response of
the Upper Atmosphere to Natural and Anthropogenic Perturbations (co-author
on the second part: Hauke Schimdt)
10:35 Nakajima, Teruyuki A perspective of CCSR climate modeling and some results of atmospheric particle modeling.
11:00 Break
11:20 Kimoto, Masahide High-resolution coupled ocean-atmosphere modeling
for climate studies.
11:45 Emori, Seita High-resolution climate change projection and
impact assessment.
12:10 Lunch
Chair/Ryoichi Imasu, Masaaki Takahashi, Jin Song von Storch
13:40 Chan, Johnny A regional climate model for South China.
14:05 Takayabu, Yukari (TBD)
14:30 Giorgetta, Marco Climatology and Forcing of the Quasi-Biennial
Oscillation in the MAECHAM5 Model / The ICON project,
14:55 Takahashi, Masaaki Modeling of upper atmosphere/planetary atmosphere.
15:20 Break
15:45 Sudo, Kengo Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols Modelling in
the FRCGC Earth System model.
16:10 Feichter, Johann Aerosols from fires and biogenic sources: the
impact on climate.
16:35 Kito, Akio Paleoclimate Modeling at MRI.
17:00 End of the session
18:00 Reception
Day 2 (Nov. 1, 2005)
Time Speaker Title
Chair/Erich Roeckner, Ayako Abe
10:00 Roeckner, Erich Preliminary results from the IPCC experiments / Carbon cycle - climate interactions.
10:25 Kawamiya, Michio Development an integrated earth system model
on the Earth Simulator.
10:50 Hasumi, Hiroyasu Ocean and sea ice modeling at CCSR.
11:15 Break
11:35 von Storch, Jin-Song The influence of model resolution on the stability
of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation,
12:00 Ayako Abe Paleo-climate (TBD)
12:25 Lunch
Chair/Marco Giorgetta, Masahiro Endoh, Masaki Satoh
13:55 Marotzke, Jochem The role of ocean models and observations in
moving from climate projections to Earth system predictions.
14:20 Awaji, Toshiyuki Improved estimates of climatological seasonal
change by a 4D-Var coupled data assimilation.
14:45 Watanabe, Kunihiko The Earth Simulator.
15:10 Break
15:35 Noda, Akira Akira Noda: High-resolution global and regional
climate modeling at MRI
16:00 Satoh, Masaki Global cloud resolving simulations using Nonhydrostatic
Icosahedral Atmospheric Model.
16:25 Zhao, Chunsheng Aircraft Measurements of Aerosol and Cloud Microproperties
over East Asia.
16:50 All General discussion for collaboration
17:50 End of the workshop