Curriculum Vitae

- Name: Masahiro Watanabe
- Present affiliation:
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute,
University of Tokyo
- e-mail: hiro (at)
- phone: 81-4-7136-4387
- fax: 81-4-7136-4375
- Fields of Interest
- Climate dynamics
- Climate change and variability
- Climate modeling
- Atmosphere-ocean interaction
- Extreme weather
- Education
- March 1995: B.Sc. in Geography, Department of Geography,
Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University.
Thesis title: "Long-term variability of Asian summer monsoon rainfall".
- March 1997: M.Sc. in Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences, Department
of Earth and Planetary Physics, Faculty of Science, University of
Tokyo. Advisor: Prof. Tsuyoshi Nitta (Center for Climate System
Research, Univ. of Tokyo). Thesis title: "Abrupt shifts in the
atmospheric circulation and associated decadal climate variations
in the Northern Hemisphere winter".
- March 2000: D.Sc. in Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences,
Department of Earth and Planetary Physics, Faculty of Science,
University of Tokyo. Advisor: Prof. Masahide Kimoto (Center for
Climate System Research, Univ. of Tokyo). Dissertation title:
"A study on mechanisms of the decadal climate variability in
the midlatitude atmosphere-ocean system".
- Research Experience
- April 1997-March 2000: Research Fellow of the Japan
Society for the Promotion of Science, Center for Climate
System Research, University of Tokyo.
- April 2000-March 2001: Visiting Researcher of the
Japan Science and Technology Corporation
- April 2001-May 2001: Postdoctral Research Fellow of the
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Center for Climate
System Research, University of Tokyo.
- June 2001-March 2002: Visiting Assistent Researcher,
Department of Meteorology, University of Hawaii.
- April 2002-November 2007: Associate Professor, Graduate School
of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University.
- December 2007-March 2010: Associate Professor, Center for
Climate System Research, University of Tokyo.
- April 2010-November 2016: Associate Professor, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo. (reorganized)
- December 2016 onward: Professor, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo.
- Professional services
- Editor, JMSJ, September 2004-.
- Editor, Tenki, December 2002-2007.
- WG chair, JMA Extreme weather diagnosis council, September 2007-2017.
- Steering committee member, WCRP Grand Challenges on "Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity", April 2013-.
- Council member, JMA Extreme weather diagnosis council, June 2013-.
- Steering committee member, CFMIP, June 2013- (Co-chair since September 2017).
- Editor, APJAS, December 2013-March 2019.
- Executive board member, Meteorological Society of Japan, June 2016-.
- Steering committee member, WCRP Working Group on Couped Modeling (WGCM), January 2018-.
- Awards
- Yamamoto-Shono medal, Meteorological Society of Japan, October 2001.
- Society medal, Meteorological Society of Japan, May 2012.
- Nishida medal, Japan Geoscience Union, May 2015.
- Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate Analytics, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2023.
- MEXT Scientists Award, 2024.
- Membership
- Japan Meteorological Society
- Oceanographic Society of Japan
- Japan Geoscience Union
- American Meteorological Society
- American Geophysical Union
- European Geosciences Union
- Asia Oceania Geosciences Society
- Referee
- Journal of Climate
- Journal of the Atmospheric Science
- Climate Dynamics
- Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan
- Journal of Physical Oceanography
- Journal of Geophysical Research
- Atmosphere-Ocean
- Geophysical Research Letters
- Tellus
- Nature
- Nature Climate Change
- Nature Geoscience
- Scientific Reports
- Science
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