Nabe-labo members and alumni

Present members (as of January 2025)

Akira Hasegawa, Researcher
Event attribution studies

Shuhei Matsugishi, Researcher
Next-gen climate modeling

Lin Yueh-Chi, PhD student
Hemispheric coherence of tropical Pacific SST variability

Natsuki Watanabe, Ms student
Irreversibility of the Earth system change using MIROC-ES2L ZEC experiments

Jun Hiraiwa, Ms student
Theoretical study on the response of tropical Pacific coupled system to uniform radiative forcing

Li Wentao, Ms student
Effectiveness of ocean dynamical thermostat in the past and the future

Kyoko Arakawa, Ssecretary

Chisato Otsuki, Research supporting staff

Kyoko Nakaura, Technical staff

Miki Arai, Modeling support office

Alumni (posdoc researchers)

Takahito Takaoka (-Oct 2022, now a researcher in JAMSTEC)
Decadal prediction, Tropical atmosphere-ocean interaction

Michio Watanabe (-Oct 2022, now a researcher in JAMSTEC)
Earth system modeling

Chiharu Takahashi (-Mar 2022, now a researcher in MRI)
Attribution of weather and climate changes over Asia

Youkou Yamagami (-Oct 2021, now a researcher in JAMSTEC)
High-resolution coupled modeling and simulations

Jun Ono (-Mar 2021, now a researcher in JAMSTEC)
Arctic sea-ice change and associated teleconnection

Hiroshi Koyama (-Oct 2017, now a researcher in JAMSTEC)
Coupled data assimilation

Kuniko Yamazaki (-Mar 2014, now a research scientists in the UK Met Office)
ENSO dynamics, Extented seasonal prediction

Youichi Kamae (-Mar 2013, now assistant professor in the University of Tsukuba)
Mechanisms of the tropospheric adjustment

Hideki Okajima (-Aug 2012)
Earth system modeling

Kartika Restari (-Mar 2016, now a research scientist in Center for Climate Research Singapore)
Role of air-sea interaction on the South China Sea monsoon

Alumni (PhD student)

Suqiong Hu (received the degree in June 2024 at NUIST)
Study on the interaction between NPO and ENSO

Masaki Toda (received the degree in Mar 2022)
Mechanisms of land-sea warming contrast under global warming

Tomoki Iwakiri (received the degree in Mar 2022)
Mechanisms of multi-year ENSO

Sho Arakane (received the degree in Mar 2022)
Interaction of tropical cyclones and climate

Michiya Hayashi (received the degree in Mar 2016)
Numerical study on the coupling between ENSO and westerly burst

Hiroshi Koyama (received the degree in Jun 2010)
Improving one-month forecast using parameter EnKF

Shunya Koseki (received the degree in Mar 2009)
Atmospheric response to Kuroshio SST anomalies

Masato Mori (received the degree in Mar 2008)
Dynamics of the PNA pattern

Alumni (Ms courses)

Graduated the University of Tokyo (2008-)
Ryota Ozasa, Tsubasa Kitahara, Tomoki Saga, Atsushi Mogi, Kianu Taylor, Ryu Kaneda, Yoshi Fukuda,
Yudai Sekine, Natsumi Yamamoto, Tomo Tanaka, Wataru Echizenya, Satoru Demoto, Rei Nobui, Jiro Oizumi

Graduated Hokkaido University (2001-2007)
Satoko Iwasaki, Souichiro Yasui, Jun Otake, Kohei Sakuma, Yousuke Matsuda, Mai Higuchi,
Youhei Watanabe, Kentaroh Kubose, Kei Aotani

Long-term visitors

Daniel Milano Costa de Lima, research student (Oct 2024 to Jan 2025)
Statistical downscaling of South American climate

Jun Ying, Visiting researcher, Second Institution of Oceanography, China (Sep 2024 to Jan 2025)
Tropical Pacific air-sea interation

Xi Cao, Visiting researcher, IAP associate professor (Feb-Sep 2023)
Tropical cyclone changes under global warming

Yang Jin-Han, research student (Sep 2021 to Oct 2022)
Cold air outbreak over East Asia

Jung-Eun Chu, visiting student, PNU (Jan-Feb 2010)
Teleconnection study using the LBM

Man Zhang, visiting student, Univ of Hawaii (Jun-Aug 2009)
Learning a nonlinear dynamical core

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Last modified: Mon Apr 1 12:24:16 JST 2024