Personal History
Work Experience
University: The Univerity of Tokyo (Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan)
Institution: Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute
Division: Climate System Research
Department: Climate Variability Research (due to reorganizational change)
Position: Associate Professor
Graduate education: Department of Earth and Planetary Science
Undergraduate education: Deptartment of Earth and Planetary Environment, Deptartment of Earth and Planetary Physics
University: The Univerity of Tokyo (Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan)
Institution: Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute
Division: Climate System Research
Department: Climate System Modeling
Section: Climate System Modeling
Position: Associate Professor
Graduate education: Department of Earth and Planetary Science
Undergraduate education: Deptartment of Earth and Planetary Environment, Deptartment of Earth and Planetary Physics
University: Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Japan)
Faculty: Faculty of Environmental Earth Science
Division: Earth System Science
Section: Atmosphere and Ocean Physics
Position: Associate Professor
Graduate education: Graduate School of Environmental Science (4/2014-9/2018)
Undergraduate education: Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, School of Science (12/2014-9/2018)
Other affiliation: Arctic Research Center (4/2015-9/2018)
Other affiliation: Global Institution for Collaborative Research and Education - GI-CoRE (4/2016-9/2018)
University: The University of Tokyo (Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan)
Institution: Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute
Division: Climate System Research
(formerly, Center for Climate System Research)
Department Climate System Modeling
Section: Climate System Modeling
Work with: Associate Professor Ayako Abe-Ouchi
Position: Project Research Associate (Faculty)
University: The University of Tokyo (Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan)
Institution: Center for Climate System Research
Department Climate System Modeling
Section: Climate System Modeling
Work with: Associate Professor Ayako Abe-Ouchi
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
University: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (New Brunswick, NJ, USA)
Institution: Center for Environmental Prediction
Work with: Associate Professor Anthony J. Broccoli
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
University: University of Bern (Bern, Switzerland)
Institution: Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute
Work with: Professor Thomas F. Stocker
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
University: University of Victoria (Victoria, BC, Canada)
Department: School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
Laboratory: Climate Modelling Laboratory
Supervisor: Professor Andrew J. Weaver
Degree Awarded: 5/2002*
Degree: Ph.D.
*All requirements for the degree were completed in October, 2001.
University: Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan)
Faculty: Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Department: Mineral Resources Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering
Major: The Mineral Resources Engineering
Laboratory: Geophysical Exploration Laboratory
Supervisor: (late) Professor Koji Noguchi
Degree Awarded: 3/1997
Degree: Master of Engineering
University: Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan)
Faculty: School of Science and Engineering
Department: Department of Mineral Resources Engineering
Laboratory: Geophysical Exploration Laboratory
Supervisor: (late) Professor Koji Noguchi
Degree Awarded: 3/1995
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering
Japan Meteorological Society Award (20 May 2020)
GRENE Arctic Climate Change Project Award (04 March 2016)
2001 Tertia M.C. Hughes Memorial Prize (24 May 2002)
2001 Tertia M.C. Hughes Memorial Prize/Prix commemoratif Tertia M.C. Hughes from Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Description by the society at that time: "One graduate student prize may be awarded each year in the name of Tertia M.C. Hughes for a contribution of special merit by a graduate student registered at a Canadian university or by a Canadian graduate student registered at a foreign university."; "To Dr. Masakazu Yoshimori for his exceptional contributions to Milankovitch-scale climate research that were carried out at the University of Victoria as part of his doctoral thesis entitled "Modelling Studies of Glacial-interglacial Transitions" involving numerical simulations into the possible causes and mechanisms of glacial inception and termination."
Current description
- 2024/1-present: Research Priority Team (Topic Area 1) member, Fourth International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV)
- 2023/4-present: Atmospheric Working Group (AWG) member, International Arctic Science Committee (IASC)
- 2022/4-present: Councillor, Paleosciences Society, Japan
- 2019/7-present: JCAR steering committee member
- 2021/10-present: Science of Council of Japan, PAGES committee member
(PAGES: Past Global Changes)
- 2017/12-present: Science of Council of Japan, IASC committee member
(IASC: International Arctic Science Committee)
- 2015/4-2018/9: Japan Meteorological Society, Hokkaido branch, exective secretary
- 2013/3-2018/9: JCAR "Long-term plan for Arctic environmental research" Working Group member
- 2009/4-2011/3: Japan Meteorological Society, committee member for election administration