Data for submitted article "Abrupt climate changes in the last two deglaciations simulated by different Northern ice sheet discharge and insolation", by Takashi Obase, Ayako Abe-Ouchi, Fuyuki Saito. Scientific Reports, 2021. data (model and reconstructions) and scripts to generate following figures in the article are included. The data types are .nc (model results), .txt (reconstructions/model post-processed data), .sh (GMT shell scripts to create figures). -contents: data and scripts for Figures 1-4 and Figures S1-S5. -minimum data (extracted timeseries, 2d map at selected timeslices) are stored.The detailed package (including post-processed model output) are stored at the Center of Climate system Division, on climatea:/mnt/clm07/obase/Obaseetal2021_Scirep.tar.gz (total: 5GB)). The raw model outputs are stored at climatea:/mnt/clm{07,24,26}/obase/ and therein, and are backuped at external disks (on desk of Obase Takashi). Contact to corresponding authors for additional data requests. Corresponding author: Takashi Obase (