CCSR海洋循環セミナー 07年度後期

2007年度後期 発表者 (敬称略)

10/18 浦川 (CCSR M2)
10/25 松村 (CCSR D3)
11/1 川崎 (CCSR D3)
11/15 笹島 (CCSR PD)
11/22 黒木 (CCSR PD)
11/29 渡辺 (CCSR PD)
12/13 (CCSR 特任助手)
12/20 建部 (CCSR 教員)
1/10 草原 (CCSR PD)
1/24 坂本 (地球環境フロンティア)
1/31 羽角 (CCSR 准教授)


10/18 浦川 昇吾 (CCSR M2)


Kuhlbrodt et al. (2007): On the driving processes of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Reviews of Geophysics, vol. 45, RG2001.

Toggweiler and Samuels (1995): Effect of Drake Passage on the global thermohaline circulation. Deep-Sea Res. 1, vol. 42, p477-500.

Toggweiler and Samules (1998): On the Ocean's Large-Scale Circulation near the Limit of No Vertical Mixing, J. Phys. Oceanogr., vol. 28, p1832-1852.

Gnanadesikan et al. (2005): The Energetics of Ocean Heat Transport, J. Clim., vol. 18, p2604-2616.

Nycander et al. (2007): Thermodynamic Analysis of Ocean Circulation, J. Phys. Oceanogr., vol. 37, p2038-2052

Hallberg and Gnanadesikan (2006): The role of eddies in determining the structure and response of the wind-dirven southern hemisphere overturning: results from the Modeling Eddies in the Southern Ocean (MESO) project. J. Phys. Oceanogr., vol. 36, p2232-2252.

10/25 松村 義正 (CCSR D3)
題目:Gravity currentに関する論文紹介と自分のモデルでの計算結果紹介

Gravity Currentの境界面で生じる不安定と, それによるエントレインメントを高解像度モデルで扱った論文を紹介する.
またそれらを踏まえて, 非静力モデルの結果から成層・回転の存在化における挙動を考察する.

Xu et al.(2006): Parameterization of gravity current entrainment for ocean circulation models using a high-order 3D nonhydrostatic spectral element model. Ocean Modelling, 14, 19-44

Turner (1986): The Development of the entrrainment assumption and its application to geophysical flows. J. Fluid mech., 173, 431-471

Ozgokmen et al. (2006): Product water mass formation by turbulent density currents from a high-order nonhydrostatic spectral element model. Ocean Modelling, 12, 237-267

Kanarska et al. (2007): Algorithm for non-hdyrostatic dynamics in the Regional Ocean Modleing System. Ocean Modlling, 18, 143-174

Ozgokmen et al. (2007): Large Eddy Simulation of stratified mixing in two-dimensional dam-break problem in a rectangular enclosed domain. Ocean Modelling, 16, 106-140

11/1 川崎 高雄 (CCSR D3)

太平洋とその縁辺海を分けるridge付近(具体的には、Kuril Strait、Luzon Strait、Indonesian Archipelagoなど)での、鉛直混合を推定した論文を紹介する。

Nakamura and Awaji(2004), Tidally induced diapycnal mixing in the Kuril Straits and its role in water transformation and transport: A three-dimentional nonhydrostatic model experiment., J. Geophys. Res., 109, 1-22.

Qu et al.(2006), Deepwater overflow through Luzon Strait, J. Geophys. Res., 111, doi:10.1029/2005JC003139.

Ffield and Gordon(1992), Vertical mixing in the Indonesian thermocline, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 22, 184-195.

Alford et al.(1999), Diapycnal mixing in the Banda Sea: Results of the first microstructure measurements in the Indonesian Throughflow. Geophys. Res. Lett., 26(17), 2741-2744.

11/15 笹島 (CCSR PD)

Shimizu and Ohshima (2006)の論文を中心にオホーツク海循環の数値的研究の紹介する。 また、この論文の背景となった研究についても触れ、オホーツク海循環についての概要を説明する。

Shimizu and Ohshima (2006), A model simulation on the circulation in the Sea of Okhotsk and the East Sakhalin Current., J. Geophys. Res., 109, doi:10.10292005JC002980

Sekine (1990), A barotropic numerical model for the wind-driven circulation in the Okhotsk Sea., Bull. Fac. Bioresources, Mie Univ, No. 3: 25-39

11/22 黒木 聖夫 (CCSR PD)

(1)Bryan, F.O, M. W. Hecht, R. D. Smith, 2007: Resolution convergence and sensitivity studies with North Atlantic circulation models. Part I: The western boundary current system. Ocean Modelling, 16,141-159. (2)Chassignet, E.P., and Z.D. Garraffo, 2001: Viscosity parameterization and the Gulf Stream separation. In "From Stirring to Mixing in a Stratified Ocean". Proceedings 'Aha Huliko'a Hawaiian Winter Workshop. U. of Hawaii. January 15-19, 2001. P. Muller and D. Henderson, Eds., 37-41. Available from: 北大西洋の海洋循環のシミュレーションでは、水平解像度が0.1程度以上の渦解像モデルが用いられるようになり、湾流の離岸位置や北大西洋海流の流路に大きな改善が見られるようになった。

11/29 渡辺 路生 (CCSR PD)


Zhai X., R.J. Greatbatch and C. Eden (2007): Spreading of near-inertial energy in a 1/12 model of the North Atlantic Ocean. GRL, 34, L10609, doi:10.1029/2007GL029895

Alford M.H. and Z. Zhao (2007): Global patterns of low-mode internal-wave propagation. Part I: Energy and energy flux. JPO, 37, 1829-1848, doi:10.1175/JPO3085.1

12/13 岡顕 (CCSR特任助手)


Nishioka, J. et al., 2007: Iron supply to the western subarctic Pacific:Importance of iron export from the Sea of Okhotsk, JGR, volume 112, C210012, doi:10.1029/2006JC004055.

Meskhideze, N. et al., 2007: Atlantic Southern Ocean productivity:Fertilization from above or below?, GBC, volume 21, doi:10.1029/2006GB002711.

12/20 建部洋晶 (CCSR 教員)


Kessler et al. (1993): The annual cycle of SST in the eastern tropical Pacific, diagnoed in an ocean GCM, J. Climate, 11, 777-799.

Yu and McPhaden (1999): Seasonal variability in the equatorial Pacific, J. Phy. Oceanogr., 29, 925-947.

Hazeleger et al. (2001): Do tropical cells ventilate the Indo-Pacific thermocline ? Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 1763-1766, 2001.

1/10 草原 和弥(CCSR PD)

Marsland et al., 2007: Antarctic coastal polynya response to climated change. JGR, Vol 112, C07009, doi:10.1029/2005JC003291 Rodehacke et al., 2007: Formation and spreading of Antarctic deep and bottom waters inferred from a chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) simulation. JGR, Vol 112, C09001, doi:10.1029/2006JC003884

1/24 坂本 天(地球環境フロンティア)
題目:Atlantic meridional overturning circulation の時間変動に関する論文紹介


1/31 羽角 博康 (CCSR准教授)
題目:Modeling of dense water plume/overflow

Dense water plume/overflow に関する最近のモデリング、およびその背景となる観測事実に関する論文数本の紹介

Riemenschneider, U. and S. Legg, 2007: Regional simulations of the Faroe Bank Channel overflow in a level model, Ocean Modelling, 17, (2), 93-122, 2007

A. Kohl et al., 2007: Causes of Changes in the Denmark Strait Overflow, JPO, 37, 1678--1696