Center of Clmate System Research

Date Time Visiters ?

Greetings from the Director of CCSR.
We will be moving to Kashiwa.
The 2nd INternational Workshop on the Kyosei Project
University Allied Workshop
A Word from the Director
An opportunity for a visiting professor position.
The First International Workshop on the Kyosei Project
Documents for FCCC.
1991-1996 1997-1999 2000-2002 National communications and In-depth reviews

What's New
News & Events Information on symposiums, open house, job opportunities etc.
Climate Research An introduction to climate research.
Faculty Faculty
Facilities Computer facilities.
International Projects The Kyosei Project
Radiation Semmiar
Awaji- International WS on the next-generation climate model
International programs such as ISAM3
(The Third International Symposium on Asian Monsoon System (December 11-14, 2001 Bankoku Shinryo-kan, Nago, Okinawa, Japan)
Publications Publications.(PDF file.)
Personnel Directory of research staff & students.
Directions Map & directions to CCSR.
Organization Outline, chronology, organization.
Links Related research institutes, climate/weather-related sites, etc.

Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo
5-1-5, Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba, 277-8568, Japan
New Phone : 04-7136-4371
New Fax : 04-7136-4375
Campus Map
Access Map
