Faculty (2011)

Japanese Buttton

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NameResearch SubjectsE-Mail
Abe-Ouchi, Ayako(Associate Professor) coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM, ice sheet dynamics, paleo-climate modelling abeouchi
Hasumi, Hiroyasu (Associate Professor) climate dynamics, sea ice, oceanic deep circulation hasumi
Imasu, Ryoichi (Associate Professor) atmospheric physics, remote sensing of the atmosphere imasu
Kimoto, Masahide(Division head,Professor) diagnostics and modeling of climate variabilities, coupled ocean-atmosphere models kimoto
Nakajima, Teruyuki (Professor) man-made climate changes , clouds and aerosols, atmospheric radiation processes, and remote sensing teruyuki.nakajima
Oka, Akira (Lecturer)climate modeling, thermohaline circulationakira
Satoh, Masaki (Professor) dynamic meteorology, general circulation, climate study with cloud resolving modelssatoh
Takahashi, Masaaki (Professor) quasi-biennial oscillation, material transport masaaki
Takayabu, Yukari (Professor) tropical meteorology, tropical cloud-and-precipitation systems and their effects on global climate yukari
Watanabe, Masahiro (Associate Professor) dynamics of the large-scale atmospheric circulation, climate modeling, climate dynamics hiro
Yoshimura, Kei (Associate Professor) isotope meteorology, land surface processes, dynamical downscaling kei

Project Research Associate

Name Research Subjects E-Mail
Miura, Hiroaki(Project Research Associate) cloud-climate studies, numerical modeling of the atmosphere, tropical
Yokoi, Satoru(Project Research Associate) Tropical meteorology, tropical cyclone, climate change yokoi
Yoshimori, Masakazu(Project Research Associate) paleoclimate modelling, climate sensitivity, sea level, and
general circulation of the atmosphere and ocean

Adjunct Professor and Visiting Professor

Name Affiliation E-Mail
Emori, Seita (Visiting Associate Professor) National Institute for Environmental Studies
Sumi, Akimasa (Adjunct Professor) Transdisciplinary Initiative for Global Sustainability sumi
Murakami, Masataka (Visiting Professor) Physical Meteorology Research Department, Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency

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