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All documents related to "France"

A/AC.237/Misc.1/Add.1Preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Set of informal papers provided by delegations, related to the preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Addendum.22/05/1991 
A/AC.237/Misc.1/Add.2Preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Set of informal papers provided by delegations, related to the preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Note by the secretariat. Addendum 2.11/06/1991 
A/AC.237/Misc.33Matters relating to commitments. Criteria for joint implementation. Comments from member States on criteria for joint implementation. Note by the interim secretariat.08/12/1993Vol. 1
FRA/COM/1 BFrance. National programme for the mitigation of climate change.20/03/1995Vol. 4
FCCC/CP/1995/Misc.1/Add.1Matters relating to commitments. Review of the adequacy of Article 4, paragraph 2 (A) and (B). Comments from Parties and other member States. Addendum. Note by the interim secretariat.30/03/1995Vol. 1
FCCC/AGBM/1995/Misc.1Implementation of the Berlin mandate. Comments from Parties. Note by the secretariat.17/08/1995Vol. 1
FCCC/AGBM/1995/Misc.1/Add.1Implementation of the Berlin Mandate. Comments from Parties. Note by the interim secretariat. Addendum.29/09/1995 
FCCC/AGBM/1995/Misc.1/Add.3Implementation of the Berlin Mandate. Comments from Parties. Note by the secretariat. Addendum.02/11/1995Vol. 1
FCCC/NC/11France. Executive Summary of the national communication of France submitted under Articles 4 and 12 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.14/12/1995Vol. 4
FCCC/AGBM/1997/Misc.1Implementation of the Berlin Mandate. Proposals from Parties. Note by the secretariat.19/02/1997Vol. 2
FCCC/AGBM/1997/Misc.3Information submitted by Parties on possible criteria for differentiation. Note by the secretariat.20/11/1997Vol. 2
FRA/COM/2 BFrance. Second national communication of France under the Climate Convention.11/02/1998Vol. 4
FCCC/IDR.1(SUM)/FRAFrance. Summary of the report of the in-depth review of the national communication of France.17/02/1998Vol. 4
FCCC/IDR.1/FRAFrance. Rapport de l'examen approfondi de la communication nationale de la France.17/02/1998Vol. 4
FCCC/IDR.1(SUM)/FRA/Corr.1France. Summary of the report of the in-depth review of the national communication of France. Corrigendum.04/03/1998Vol. 4
FCCC/CP/1995/Misc.1Matters relating to commitments. Review of the adequacy of Article 4, paragraph 2 (A) and (B). Comments from Parties and other member States. Note by the interim secretariat.09/03/1999Vol. 2
FCCC/SBSTA/2000/Misc.7Methodological issues: Guidelines under articles 5, 7 and 8 of the Kyoto Protocol. Submissions from Parties. Note by the secretariat.10/08/2000Vol. 3
FCCC/SBSTA/2000/Misc.6Methodological issues: Land-use, land-use change and forestry. Submissions from Parties. Note by the secretariat.17/08/2000Vol. 3
FCCC/IDR.2/FRAFrance. Report on the in-depth review of the second national communication of France.22/08/2000Vol. 4
FCCC/SBSTA/2000/Misc.7/Add.1Methodological issues. Guidelines under articles 5, 7 and 8 of the Kyoto Protocol. Submissions from Parties. Note by the secretariat. Addendum.04/09/2000Vol. 3
FCCC/SBSTA/2000/Misc.8Methodological issues. Land-use, land-use change and forestry. Note by the secretariat.13/09/2000Vol. 3
FCCC/SB/2000/Misc.4/Add.2/Rev.1/Corr.1Mechanisms pursuant to articles 6, 12 and 17 of the Kyoto Porotocol. Principles, modalities, rules and guidelines for the mechanisms under articles 6, 12 and 17 of the Kyoto Protocol. Additional submissions from Parties. Note by the secretariat. Addendum. Corrigendum.15/09/2000Vol. 3
FCCC/SBSTA/2000/Misc.7/Add.2Methodological issues. Guidelines under articles 5, 7 and 8 of the Kyoto Protocol. Submissions from Parties. Note by the secretariat. Addendum.27/10/2000Vol. 3
FRA/COM/3 BFrance. Third national communication under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.27/03/2002Vol. 4