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All documents related to "Malaysia"

A/AC.237/Misc.1/Add.1Preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Set of informal papers provided by delegations, related to the preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Addendum.22/05/1991 
A/AC.237/Misc.1/Add.11Preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Set of informal papers provided by delegations, related to the preparation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Note by the secretariat. Addendum 11.21/08/1991 
A/AC.237/Misc.7/Corr.1Compilation of proposals related to commitments. Submitted by the Bureau of Working Group I. Corrigendum.29/08/1991 
A/AC.237/Misc.33Matters relating to commitments. Criteria for joint implementation. Comments from member States on criteria for joint implementation. Note by the interim secretariat.08/12/1993Vol. 1
MYS/COM/1 BMalaysia. Initial national communication submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.22/08/2001Vol. 4
FCCC/SBSTA/2002/Misc.1/Add.2Methodological issues. Land use, land-use change and forestry: Definitions and modalities for including afforestation and reforestation activities under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol. Views from Parties on the organization of a workshop, terms of reference and an agenda for work relating to afforestation and reforestation activities under the clean development mechanism (CDM). Note by the secretariat. Addendum.27/05/2002Vol. 3
FCCC/SBSTA/2002/Misc.22/Add.1Methodological issues. Land use, land-use change and forestry: Definitions and modalities for including afforestation and reforestation activities under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol. Views from Parties on issues related to modalities for the inclusion of afforestation and reforestation project activities under the clean development mechanism in the first commitment period. Submissions from Parties. Addendum.27/09/2002Vol. 3
FCCC/SBSTA/2003/Misc.5Methodological issues. Land use, land-use change and forestry: definitions and modalities for including afforestation and reforestation activities under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol. Draft text for modalities. Submissions from Parties.09/04/2003Vol. 3