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All documents related to "multilateral consultative process"

A/AC.237/L.14/Add.7Completion of a Framework Convention on Climate Change. Draft proposed by the Chairman. Addendum 7.08/05/1992 
A/AC.237/59Procedural and legal matters. Consideration of the establishment of a multilateral consultative process for the resolution of questions regarding implementation (Article 13). Note by the interim secretariat.26/07/1994Vol. 1
A/AC.237/76Report of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change on the work of its tenth session held at Geneva from 22 August to 2 September 1994.10/10/1994Vol. 1
A/AC.237/76/Corr.1Report of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change on the work of its tenth session held at Geneva from 22 August to 2 September 1994. Corrigendum.16/11/1994Vol. 1
A/AC.237/Misc.46Procedural and legal matters. Consideration of the establishment of a multilateral consultative process for the resolution of questions regarding implementation (Article 13). Submissions from delegations relating to Article 13. Note by the interim secretariat.25/01/1995Vol. 1
FCCC/CP/1995/Misc.2Consideration of the establishment of a multilateral consultative process for the resolution of questions regarding implementation (Article 13). A review of selected non-compliance, dispute resolution and implementation review procedures. Note by the interim secretariat.22/03/1995Vol. 1
FCCC/CP/1995/Misc.4Consideration of the establishment of a multilateral consultative process for the resolution of questions regarding implementation (Article 13). Submission by the Government of Canada.02/04/1995Vol. 1
FCCC/CP/1995/7Report of the Conference of the Parties on its first session, held at Berlin from 28 March to 7 April 1995. Part one: Proceedings.24/05/1995Vol. 1
FCCC/CP/1995/7/Add.1Report of the Conference of the Parties on its first session, held at Berlin from 28 March to 7 April 1995. Addendum. Part two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its first session.06/06/1995Vol. 1-4
FCCC/AG13/1996/Misc.1Responses to questionnaire relating to the establishment of a multilateral consultative process. Submission by Parties and non-parties. Note by the secretariat.28/02/1996Vol. 1
FCCC/AG13/1996/Misc.2Responses to questionnaire relating to the establishment of a multilateral consultative process. Submissions by intergovernmental and non-governmental bodies. Note by the secretariat.28/02/1996Vol. 1
FCCC/AG13/1996/Misc.2/Add.1Responses to questionnaire relating to the establishment of a multilateral consultative process. Submissions by intergovernmental and non-governmental bodies. Note by the secretariat. Addendum.06/05/1996Vol. 1
FCCC/AG13/1996/1Programme of work during the session. Questionnaire on the establishment of a multilateral consultative process under article 13. Synthesis of responses. Note by the secretariat.05/06/1996Vol. 1
FCCC/AG13/1996/Misc.1/Add.1Responses to questionnaire relating to the establishment of a multilateral consultative process. Submissions by Parties and non-parties. Note by the secretariat. Addendum.06/06/1996Vol. 1
FCCC/AG13/1996/2Report of the Ad Hoc Group on Article 13 on the work of its second session, held at Geneva on 10 July 1996.18/07/1996Vol. 1
FCCC/AG13/1996/4Report of the Ad Hoc Group on Article 13 on the work of its third session, held at Geneva from 16 to 18 Decemer 1996.19/12/1996Vol. 1
FCCC/AG13/1997/4Report of the Ad Hoc Group on Article 13 on the work of its fifth session, Bonn, 28-30 July 1997.29/04/1997Vol. 2
FCCC/AG13/1998/L.1Report on the session. Draft report of the Ad Hoc Group on Article 13 on its sixth session. Rapporteur: Mr. Andrej Kranjc (Slovenia).11/06/1998Vol. 2