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[located on Vol. 4]
Finland. Finland's national report under the United Nation's Framework Convention on Climate Change.
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Full text of this documents is located on Volume 4, NCs, IDRs
First national communication. Full text available on the UNFCCC website
The Report is based on various ministries' programmes and decisions in the '90s that are of significance for climate policy. Some of the programmes were approved specifically to implement climate policies, but equally some have other national justifications. The Report surveys all the action taken by Finland towards meeting the objectives of the Framework Convention, that is, the reduction of emissions and the protection of carbon reservoirs and sinks. Emissions of greenhouse gases from energy production and consumption are the best inventoried in Finland. The Report also deals with changes in the greenhouse gas balances of the biosphere caused by other human activities, though we as yet lack comprehensive data on this area. Present estimates of these changes demonstrate just how important a role the protection and reinforcement of carbon reservoirs and sinks may play in combating climate change
Annex I Parties FCCC Finland carbon dioxide climate change policy emission reductions emissions energy forestry international cooperation national communications research
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