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[located on Vol. 2]
Administrative and financial matters. Programme budget for 1998-1999: Perspectives on financial requirements. Note by the Executive Secretary.
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Full text of this documents is located on Volume 2, 1997-1999
Item 6 (a) of the provisional agenda
This note contains sections on the proposed programme structure and its content, building on "lessons learned" (section III), uncertainties and contingencies (section IV) and preliminary resource estimates for the core budget (section V). It also briefly reviews resource needs for the trust funds for participation and for supplementary activities (sections VI and VII respectively).These sections are preceded by a proposal on the timetable and process for the consideration and adoption of the programme budget (section II). This proposal seeks to reconcile the formal requirement for the budget to be adopted by the COP, scheduled this year for December, with the need for the Parties to agree on the budget well before the end of the year, so as to enable the secretariat to plan its work for 1998 and notify the Parties in good time of contributions due on 1 January 1998
Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), Fifth session, 25 February - 7 March 1997, Bonn, Germany
administrative aspects budget conference papers financial aspects trust funds work programme
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