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[located on Vol. 4]
France. Second national communication of France under the Climate Convention.
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Full text of this documents is located on Volume 4, NCs, IDRs
Second national communication. Full text available on the UNFCCC website
France’s energy policy since the first oil crisis has already permitted a substantial reduction in CO2 emissions and therefore of France’s contribution to the greenhouse effect. This policy has relied in particular on the following items: * defining strict regulations aimed at fostering energy savings. Thermal regulations on housing are a prime example. * taxation policy. High fuel taxes, higher than in most countries in Annex 1, strongly contributed to limiting CO2 emissions. Moreover, numerous energy efficiency tax incentives were implemented as early as 1974, in particular in industry and housing; * a major energy saving and efficiency awareness program. Since 1974, France has an Energy Management Agency to implement these actions, it has influenced end-user energy demand and from industry, forming over time a resource of skill and expertise; * the creation of a large nuclear industry allowing for a reduction in CO2 emissions, not only in France, but also in other Member States of the European Union.
Annex I Parties FCCC France adaptation measures climate impacts emission inventories emissions financial mechanism international cooperation mitigation national communications policies and measures projections vulnerability assessment
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