ESE441: Special topics in Earth Science I

Special Lecture on "Atmospheric low-frequency variability"

at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, July-Augut, 2014

Place, date, and responsible lecturer

Place: TBD

Lecturer: Prof. Masahiro Watanabe (University of Tokyo)


You need a password to open the lecture slides. Password will be sent via E-mail in advance.

Chap. 1 Introduction (pdf file, 2.9MB)

Chap. 2 Atmospheric low-frequency variability

Chap. 3 Storm track dynamics (pdf file, 5.6MB)

Chap. 4 ENSO teleconnections (pdf file, 6.4MB)

Chap. 5 Midlatitude atmosphere-ocean interaction (pdf file, 4.9MB)

Chap. 6 Decadal climate variability (pdf file, 5.8MB)

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AORI, University of Tokyo

Last modified: Tue Jun 17 17:36:51 JST 2014