過去のCCSRセミナー (2008年度)
2008年4月18日(金) 14:00 - 15:30
渡部 雅浩 (東京大学気候システム研究センター; 准教授)
- 講演題目: 大気循環変動の理解に向けて−LBMを用いた気候変動研究−
- 場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
- 要旨:
2008年4月25日(金) 14:00 - 15:30
Surendra Kumar Dhaka (University of Delhi, India ; Visiting associate professor)
- 講演題目: Some general aspects of observations of gravity waves in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere during convection over Indonesia using the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (0.200 S, 100.320 E) and over India using MST Radar (13.50 N, 79.20 E)
- 場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
- 要旨:
A month long observations were conducted during April - May 2004 over
Indonesia under CPEA - I campaign. The observations of wind
components and convection systems were made using suit of instruments
viz. Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR), Boundary layer radar (BLR),
and X-Band radar etc. Experiments were also conducted using Indian
Mesosphere Stratosphere Troposphere (MST) Radar at Gadanki (13.50 N,
79.20 E) during month of June 2000, which is highly convective time
after the onset of south - west monsoon over southern part of
India. During convective events radar reflectivity showed the temporal
evolution of convection with different vertical velocities and depth
of penetration (seen from mid troposphere to upper
troposphere). Observations covered several convective events that made
possible to present variability of associated gravity wave structures
initiated with convection over Indonesia and India. Analysis of six
convection events over Indonesian region and two convection events
over Indian region revealed that vertical wavelength (Lambda_z) of gravity
waves between 10 and 20 km heights mostly dominated in the range of
1-3.5 km when the convection was located overhead radar. This is the
preferential range of Lambda_z observed at two locations, however, Lambda_z
increases after the convection moved away from radar. Dynamics in the
upper troposphere and lower stratosphere seems affected by the
interaction of short Lambda_z gravity waves with background wind. Dominant
wave periods of these waves were found in the range of 10 - 70 min.
2008年4月28日(月) 13:30 - 15:00
Oliver Timm (IPRC/SOEST, University of Hawaii)
- 講演題目: Climate changes during the last 1 million year
- 場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
- 要旨:
The late Pleistocene climate is characterized by major
glacial-interglacial cycles. Despite the overwhelming evidence from
marine and terrestrial paleoclimate proxies that these cycles follow
the orbital ('Milankovitch') cycles, our present knowledge about the
ultimate driving forces behind glacial inceptions and terminations is
still elusive. The presentation will highlight some of the fundamental
challenges in paleoclimate modeling. Results are presented from
transient climate simulations with an Earth System model of
intermediate complexity (LOVECLIM) over the last 21,000 and 120,000
years. First, the problem of the last glacial termination and the
causes of Antarctic warming around 18,000 years before present (BP)
are discussed. The results show that local insolation changes together
with early atmospheric CO2 increase trigger the warming over
Antarctica. Second, the response of the climate-vegetation system to
external forcing is shown for the region of North Africa. The
vegetation feedback results in an accelerated onset of the African
Humid Period at about 12,000 BP. Third, we studied the transient
response of the global Monsoon system to orbitally driven insolation
changes. This is the first simulations to cover the glacial
interglacial cycle over the last 120,000 years with this degree of
model complexity. It is shown that the Monsoon system responds mainly
to precessional forcing with an in-phase relation between insolation
and Monsoon strength.
2008年5月9日(金) 14:00 - 15:30
森 正人 (東京大学気候システム研究センター)
- 講演題目: PNAテレコネクションパターンの力学
- 場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
- 要旨:
北半球冬季の主要な低周波変動として知られているPacific/North American
(PNA) テレコネクションパターンは、季節だけでなく季節内の時間スケールにも
に成長した。この波列は主に、マッデン・ジュリアン振動 (MJO) の対流偏差に
レコネクションパターン(e.g., PNA, NAO)もまた、自身の非線型性によって増
2008年5月12日(月) 15:00 - 16:30
廣田 渚郎 (東京大学気候システム研究センター)
- 講演題目: 夏季東アジア域に見られる3極気候偏差の形成プロセスについての研究
- 場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
- 要旨:
が頻繁に現れる。例えば、ENSO(Wang et al., 2001)やインド洋SST(遠藤,
2008年5月22日(木) 14:30 - 16:00
Taka Ito (Colorado State University, Department of Atmospheric Science)
- 講演題目: Why is it so hard to explain the glacial pCO2?
- 場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
- 要旨:
Polar ice cores show the intriguing fact that atmospheric partial
pressure of CO2 was lower by approximately 100 ppm during ice ages
relative to the preindustrial condition. A number of hypotheses have
been put forward for the cause of the lowering of atmospheric pCO2,
however, the community has not yet identified the principal mechanism
for this major perturbation in the global carbon cycle. In this
presentation, I will first review some of the previous hypotheses, and
then focus our discussion on the ocean's biological pump, one of the
leading candidates, using a new theory that the impact of biological
carbon sequestration can be effectively quantified using the concept
of "preformed" nutrient. This new theory helps to bring conceptual
model and GCMs into an excellent agreement. However, numerical ocean
models fail to explain the glacial pCO2 with stronger biological pump
in consistency with all the existing geochemical evidences. Finally I
discuss the implication of this result for the glacial-interglacial
climate change and the future research strategies.
2008年6月6日(金) 14:00 - 15:30
山下 陽介 (東京大学気候システム研究センター)
- 講演題目: 太陽活動、QBO が北半球の気候に与える影響 (博士論文中間発表)
- 場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
- 要旨:
北半球冬季に卓越する変動として北極振動(Arctic Oscillation; AO)
または北半球環状モード(Northern Hemisphere annular mode; NAM)が
知られている。AO/NAM の位相は、赤道成層圏で卓越する準 2 年周期振動
(quasi-biennial oscillation; QBO)や太陽活動による影響を受ける。
QBO が西(東)風の場合にAO/NAM が正(負)となり極渦が強く(弱く)なる
関係は Holton-Tan Oscillationと呼ばれている。Holton-Tan
Oscillation は太陽活動の影響を受け late winter の太陽活動極小期に
相関が大きい。本研究では、Holton-Tan Oscillation とその極域での
Holton-Tan Oscillation を再現するため、大気大循環モデル
(atmosphericgeneral circulation model; AGCM)に QBO を作るような
forcing を導入した。AGCM の出力で QBO の西風フェーズと東風フェーズの
Oscillation が確認された。E-P flux 解析を行うと、西風フェーズ
(東風フェーズ)では低緯度の 50-100hPa付近で赤道向きの flux が強く
flux の上方伝播の弱化(強化)が見られた。このため、QBOの変化に伴う
力学の変化が Holton-Tan Oscillation に重要な役割を果たすことが
太陽活動に伴う Holton-Tan Oscillation の変化とその極域での
鉛直方向へのつながりに関して、NCEP/NCAR 再解析データを用いて調べた。
その結果、Holton-Tan Oscillation と相関の高いパターンは、太陽活動
極小期の late winterに成層圏から対流圏までつながった構造を示した。
太陽活動に伴う変化を調べるため、AGCM にオゾンとの化学相互作用を
含めた化学気候モデル(Chemistry Climate Model; CCM)を用いた。
CCM の出力を解析した結果、太陽活動極小期の late winter に
Holton-Tan Oscillation が極域で成層圏から対流圏へ伸長し観測結果と
2008年6月19日(木) 14:00 - 15:30
川崎 高雄 (東京大学気候システム研究センター)
- 講演題目: 全球熱塩循環における局所的mixingの役割に関する研究 (博士論文中間発表)
- 場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
- 要旨:
本研究では、Kuril Straitsでの局所的かつ強い鉛直乱流混合によって、
2008年7月11日(金) 14:00 - 15:30
Guang-Yu Shi (Center for Climate System Research; Visiting professor)
- 講演題目: What is Happened in the Earth's Climate System? ----- The Case over China
- 場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
- 要旨:
The trends of surface air temperature, pan evaporation, sunshine
duration, global solar radiation reaching the surface and clouds over
the past 50 years in China were reviewed in this talk. We find that
the changes in surface air temperature over China are consistent with
the trend of global warming in general. However, changes among the
factors of climate system are not necessarily consistent and sometimes
they are conflictual each other, such as the surface air temperature
and the pan evaporation, global solar radiation and clouds and so
on. Most interested thing is that the phenomenon which is so called
from dimming to brightening was also occurred around 1990 in China,
but it is very difficult to find out its causes.
2008年7月17日(木) 10:30 - 12:00
Bin Wang (IPRC, Univ. Hawaii; Professor)
- 講演題目: Tibetan Plateau warming and East Asian precipitation change
- 場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
- 要旨:
Observational evidence presented here indicates that the surface
temperatures on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) have increased by about 1.8C
over the past 50 years. The precipitation pattern that is projected as
a result of this warming resembles the leading pattern of
precipitation variations in East Asia (EA). Numerical experiments with
atmospheric general circulation models show that atmospheric heating
induced by the rising TP temperatures can enhance East Asian
subtropical frontal rainfall. The mechanism of the linkage is found to
be through two distinct Rossby wave trains and the isentropic uplift
to the east of the TP, which deform the western Pacific Subtropical
High and enhance moisture convergence toward the EA subtropical
front. The model calculations suggest that the past changes in TP
temperatures and EA summer rainfall may be linked, and that projected
future increases in TP temperatures may lead to further enhanced
summer frontal rainfall in EA region.
2008年9月2日(火) 14:00 - 15:30
Shang-Ping Xie (IPRC, University of Hawaii; Professor)
- 講演題目: Surface climate feedback and the muted precipitation response to global warming
- 場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
- 要旨:
In our recent analysis of AR4 models, MIROC appears to feature a
strong increase in surface relative humidity (~3% vs. 1% in other A1B
runs). Traditionally relative humidity is assumed to be close to a
constant but a consistent increase in RH acts to slow down evaporation
and intensify surface warming. Hopefully some good experimental
approach will emerge from the discussion to illustrate this surface
climate feedback. Large RH change in MIROC makes it ideal for
2008年9月24日(水) 14:00-17:00 修士論文中間発表
2008年9月25日(木) 14:00-17:00 修士論文中間発表
2008年10月31日(金) 10:00 - 11:30
Boris Fomin (Central Aerological Observatory, Russia)
- 講演題目: Basic Methodology for Radiation Codes for Climate and Remote-Sensing Problems
- 場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
- 要旨:
Climate is very sensitive even to the “small” changes in a mechanism
of radiative processes. E.g. the global climate change, so much
troubling people at present, is explained by the thermal flux
perturbations only of ~1%, which are attributed to the anthropogenic
increasing of concentrations of the atmospheric so-called “greenhouse”
gases (CO2, CH4, etc.). So radiation codes for climate models should
be very accurate (but rapid). Moreover, as well known, radiation codes
for the remote-sensing should be very accurate too. However, huge
problems exist in development of these codes, which originate from the
need for a simultaneously accurate account of the following physical
factors: - the radiation absorption by some hundreds of thousands of
absorption spectral lines of H2O, CO2 and other greenhouse gases
within the range of the whole atmospheric spectrum; - the optical
inhomogeneity of the atmosphere associated with a stratification of
major meteorological elements (pressure, temperature, humidity) and
concentrations of optically active components; - the multiple
scattering of the radiation by aerosol and cloudy particles; - the
complicated Earth surface reflection mechanisms. In this report will
be briefly considered basic methodology for “accurate”
(Line-by-Line) and “rapid” (K-distribution) radiation codes,
including Line-by-Line code for the GOSAT project, as well as their
possible applications.
2008年10月31日(金) 14:00 - 15:30
Zhanqing Li (University of Maryland)
- 講演題目: An overview of satellite remote sensing of aerosol, cloud, and radiation budget and their applications in climate studies
- 場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 320
- 要旨:
As a visiting professor, the major objectives of my visit is at CCSR
are to 1) learn more about the leading-edge research carried out by
CCSR scientists, 2) introduce my own studies; 3) identify areas and
projects of mutual interest and complimentary strengths; 4) initiate
collaborative studies for the future. Toward achieving these goals, I
will give an overview of our studies in remote sensing of a variety of
climate key parameters such as aerosol, cloud, radiation budget and
their application in climate modeling. The parameters include, among
others, aerosol optical depth and single scattering albedo, aerosol
radiative forcing, cloud morphology and microphysics, cloud radiative
forcing, cloud absorption, global radiation budget, etc. A handful of
comparisons between observations and model simulations will also be
2008年11月28日(金) 14:00 - 15:30
Matthew Wheeler (Bureau of Meteorology Research Center, Australia)
- 講演題目: The Realtime Multivariate MJO Inde
- 場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
- 要旨:
This seminar will describe the motivation for, development of, and
world-wide applications of the Wheeler-Hendon Real-time Multivariate
MJO (RMM) index. In particular, the use of the MJO index for tracking
the performance of MJO predictions from Numerical Weather Prediction
models will be described. Model hindcasts show that numerical models
now beat the benchmark statistical schemes that were previously
developed for MJO prediction, thus providing hope for skilful
intraseasonal predictions from them.
2008年12月24日(水) 14:00-17:00 修士論文提出直前発表
2008年12月25日(木) 14:00-17:00 修士論文提出直前発表
2008年12月25日(木) 10:30 - 12:00 オンラインセミナー (270号室)
講演者: 井上誠 (東京大学気候システム研究センター)
2009年2月23日(月) 10:30 - 12:00
Roy Rasmussen (UCAR)
- 講演題目: The Impact of Climate Change on Colorado Snowfall
- 場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
2009年2月23日(月) 13:00 - 14:30
Chidong Zhang (Univ. of Miami; Prof.)
- 講演題目: Bi-modal structure of tropical diabatic heating and its dynamical implications
- 場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
- 要旨:
The structure and variability of diabatic heating (Q1) profiles
derived from eight field campaigns are dominated by two leading modes
of rotated EOF (REOF), one deep with its peak near 400 hPa, one
shallow with its peak near 700 hPa. Similar two REOF modes are also
found in diabatic heating profiles derived from four global ranalyses
and latent heating retrieved from TRMM observations. They are almost
invariance in space. The ubiquity of the two-mode dominance suggests
fundamental properties of tropical diabatic heating processes that
have yet to be understood.
The two REOF modes are used to define heating phases. The most
probable phase changes are from clear sky to shallow heating, deep
heating, stratiform heating, and back to clear sky. This structural
evolution seems to occur at different time scales, providing evidence
supporting the idea of "convective self-similarity".
Simulations of a linear steady-state model forced by prescribed
heating profiles produce multi-cell structures in the meridional and
zonal overturning circulations. They also reveal sensitivities of
moisture convergence and surface wind to the heating profiles,
suggesting the importance of heating profiles to
convection-circulation interaction and air-sea interaction. An example
of such importance is demonstrated for the West African Monsoon.
2009年3月25日(水) 14:00 - 15:30
Kazuyoshi Kikuchi (IPRC, Univ. of Hawaii)
- 講演題目: Two-dimensional wavelet transform and multi-scale structure of Madden-Julian Oscillation
- 場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
- 要旨:
Meteorological and geophysical phenomena involve multiple-scale
processes. Here we introduce a new tool, the two-dimensional wavelet
transform (2D WT), for detecting significant, non-stationary, wave
propagation signals from a time-space domain. We demonstrate that the 2D
global wavelet spectrum (scalogram) provides a lucid picture of the spectral
power distribution as a function of wavelength, periodicity, and the
direction and speed of phase propagation. The 2D WT has the capability of
reconstruction and wave filtering, providing an intuitive representation of
the wavenumber-frequency power spectrum. Applying 2D WT to the case of the
Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) studied by Nakazawa, we demonstrate that the
equatorial convective activity is composed of convectively coupled, eastward
propagating MJO and Kelvin waves, westward propagating inertio-gravity (WIG)
waves, mixed-Rossby gravity (MRG) waves, and equatorial Rossby waves, which
together account for about 60% of the total variance at a three-hour
One of the most interesting findings is the difference in the
hierarchical structure between the Kelvin wave (super cloud cluster) and the
MJO. Both the Kelvin wave and MJO consist of and modulate WIG waves.
However, the WIG waves move slower and have shorter wavelengths in the MJO,
but move faster and have longer wavelengths in the Kelvin waves.In addition,
the MJO has a distinctive tri-pole meridional structure and may be viewed as
a convectively coupled Kelvin-Rossby wave packet rather than the envelope of
a convectively active region.Given the different meridional structure, the
Kelvin waves modulate the westward propagating MRG waves over the western
Pacific while the MJO does not. The Kelvin waves tend to be strong to the
east of MJO while weak to the west of the MJO. The strong Kelvin waves to
the east of MJO may precondition the environment for an eastward propagating
MJO to develop. The MJO in turn seems to consume most of the available
convective energy so that the Kelvin waves coming from its west cannot fully
develop. The possible “upscale feedback” of the WIG wave behavior on MJO
and Kelvin waves is also discussed.