Abstract Submission/Registration

Abstract submission/Registration is now open:Microsoft Forms(https://forms.office.com/r/LTzmfrY3mE)

                      Deadline: 12 July, 2024.

  • We recommend double-checking your email address for accuracy to avoid restarting the process.
  • If you do not receive a confirmation email titled "ACM2024 registration details", or if you need to delete/modify your registration, contact acm2024-info@aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp before the submission deadline.
You may submit up to two abstracts. For the first submission, please provide your preference for an oral or a poster presentation. The second submission is for a poster presentation only.
Session list
1. Climate change from global to regional scales
2. Aerosols and atmospheric environment under changing climate
3. Asian monsoons and extreme weather
4. Climate change impacts on ecology and society over Northeast Asia
5. Climatic role of the middle atmosphere
6. Advancements in climate dynamics
7. Tropical cyclones and other disturbances
8. Data assimilation and numerical model development
9. Observations
Abstract title
Abstract title must be within 100 words.
Abstract text
Abstract text must be within 300 words.
Travel support ONLY for Japanese ECSs and students
ONLY for Japanese Early Career Scientists (ECSs) including students, financial travel support from MSJ is available upon request. If needed, please specify YES and indicate your MSJ membership number in the Submission/Registration form.