青: 気候システムセミナー ;
緑: それ以外の内部向け関連情報
2012年4月4日(水) 13:30 - 14:30
Dr. Javier Garcia-Serrano (Institut Catala de Ciencies del Clima, Spain; currently AORI)
Title: Case studies in decadal prediction from the ENSEMBLES decadal re-forecasts
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Time: 13:30-14:30 on Apr.4, 2012
The ENSEMBLES multi-model and perturbed-parameter (DePreSys) decadal
re-forecasts are used to assess multi-year forecast quality for
global-mean surface air temperature (SAT) and North Atlantic
multi-decadal oscillation (AMO). Two issues for near-term climate
predictions are addressed with these two examples: the impact of the
choice of the observational reference period, and of the number of years
included in the forecast average. On the one hand, taking into account
only years when both observational and model data are available, instead
of using the full record, to estimate observed climatologies produces
systematically (although not statistically significantly different)
higher ensemble-mean correlations and lower root mean square errors in
all forecast systems. On the other hand, as the forecast period averaged
increases, the correlation for both global-mean SAT and AMO is generally
higher. By comparing initialized and uninitialized re-forecasts, the
skill assessment suggests that variations of the global-mean SAT are
largely controlled by the prescribed variable external forcing, while
the initialization improves the skill of the AMO during the first half
of the forecast range.
The ENSEMBLES decadal re-forecast are also used to assess multi-year
prediction skill for the dominant West African monsoon (WAM) rainfall
regimes (i.e. the Guinean and Sahelian modes). Results show that while
in the observations global warming has an important role, in the
forecast systems the Atlantic Ocean is the main player; the Atlantic
Ni・o represents the leading forcing for the simulated Guinean
precipitation, and sea surface temperature anomalies associated with the
simulated Sahelian precipitation project onto the AMO. However, no
significant skill has been found to predict these WAM rainfall modes.
2012年3月26日(月) 13:30 - 17:30
菊地一佳(IPRC, University of Hawaii)、
(1) 13:30-14:20 菊地一佳(IPRC, University of Hawaii)
An Introduction to Combined Fourier-Wavelet Transform (CFWT) and its
Application to Tropical Convection and Northern Hemisphere Baroclinic Waves
(2) 14:20-15:40 佐藤友徳(北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究院)
(3) 15:55-17:25 中西幹郎(防衛大学校)
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Time: 13:30-17:30 on Mar.26, 2012
(1)熱帯域の対流活動の相当な部分は、赤道域に捕捉され、 主に東西に伝播する熱
これら「対流と結合した赤道波」の時空 間変動を詳細に調べるために新しい解
エ変換、 時間方向にウェーブレット変換を組み合わせたものとして定義され
る。つまり降水などの時間経度断面から任意の時刻にお ける卓越する時空間規
模を推定することができる。本発表では初期解析の結果を紹介し、北半球傾圧波への 適用の可能性についても議論するつもりである。
(2)1.バングラデシュの北、インド・メガラヤ州に位置するメ ガラヤ丘陵における多
水量変動に約2週間程度の周期の季節内 変動が卓越することが知られている。
期の降水の特徴を調べ た。対象とした2004年6~8月についてメソ気象モデル
WRFを用いた数値実験を行った。その結果、活発期にはメガ ラヤの南斜面で降水
認された。活発期では平均的に下層の南西 風が卓越しているが、日中に比べて
2012年3月19日(月) 13:30 - 15:00
Dr. Franz H. Berger (Head of Lindenberg Meteorological Observatory)
Title: Longterm Reference Observations at Lindenberg Meteorological Observatory
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Time: 13:30-15:00 on Mar.19, 2012
The observatory was founded in 1905 by Richard Amann, who is known as the discoverer of the stratosphere. Its original task was the systematic measurement and scientific interpretation of vertical profiles of wind, temperature and humidity at a location being representative in a larger-scale surrounding. Using special instruments carried by tethered balloons or kites, more than 25.000 vertical soundings of the troposphere and lower stratosphere have been realized during the first 30 years of the observatory. These measurements formed the basis for a comprehensive scientific description of essential parameters and processes defining the vertical structure of the atmosphere. It furthermore aided in the development of the first warning service for pilots in 1911 in Lindenberg.
The current objectives and research activities of MOL-RAO refer to:
* long-term climate monitoring of the atmosphere (including trend analysis);
* process validation of NWP and climate models;
* reference site contribution to various WMO programs (e.g., GCOS, GRUAN, BSRN, CEOP);
* data provision for the validation of satellite sensors and products, and
* scientific system responsibility for elements of the DWD operational monitoring networks (e.g. radiation, wind profiler).
2012年3月2日(金) 14:00 - 15:30
山崎 哲 (九州大学大学院理学府地球惑星科学専攻)
Title: 渦と渦の相互作用によるブロッキング持続メカニズム
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Time: 14:00-15:30 on Mar. 2, 2012
選択的吸収メカニズム(SAM)が提案される.このメカニズムは, 渦と渦の
一方で低 気圧からの粒子はブロッキング高気圧から遠ざけられ,もしブロッキング
異な る設定を与える.これらの実験は,SAMが,これらの設定に依存することなく
2012年2月22日(水) 13:00 - 15:00
Xianyan CHEN, Xukai Zou, and Zhenghong CHEN (CMA)
(1) The Variation Tendency of Heavy Precipitation Events in Different Grades During Recent 45 Years over Central China, by Zhenghong CHEN
(2) An Objective Identification Technique for Persistent Regional Meteorological Drought Events, by Xukai Zou
(3) Variation of Extreme Precipitation over Large River Basins in China, by Xianyan CHEN
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Time: 13:00-15:00 on Feb.22, 2012
(1) In the context of global climate change , frequencies and
intensities of various extreme climate events are also changing. Central
China is located at mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River , where
rainstorm flooding disaster caused by heavy precipitation almost occurs
every year . So it is extremely necessary to research variation
characteristics of heavy precipitation events in Central China , which
has important effects on improving the forecast of heavy precipitation
and reducing the loss in this area. The interdecadal spatial temporal
change trend , break and periods characteristics of all grade heavy
precipitation events are studied using daily raingauge data of 84
weather stations from 1961 to 2005. These data are analyzed in terms of
several modern statistical test methods such as percentile , trend
coefficient , Monte Carlo statistical test, Mann-Kendall break detector
, Morlet wavelet transform etc. The results show that thresholds of
heavy precipitation for 10 % , 8 %, 5 % and 2 % percentile is 24. 7 mm ,
28. 6 mm , 37. 6 mm and 57. 8 mm by area averaged , respectively. The
mean and standard deviation of heavy precipitation and raining days
decrease with the percentile , variation coefficients of those
increasements ; while the mean , standard deviation and variation
coefficient of intensity all rise gradually. As for spatial dist
ribution , the heavy precipitation rises from Henan to Hunan and Jiangxi
, the raining days rise from north to south. The intensity is lower in
western Henan , north western Hubei , some parts of southern Hunan , and
higher in the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River , from eastern
Hubei to northern Jiangxi , and some parts of northwestern Hunan. For a
fixed grade , the heavy precipitation shows stronger linear trend than
raining days , and linear trend of intensity is the weakest . The total
heavy precipitation , raining days and intensity by area average show
increasing trends in all grades. The total heavy precipitation in Grade
passes the 0.1 level test , and have distinct rising trend. The
linear trend coefficients of total heavy precipitation , raining days ,
and intensity in different weather stations show various
characteristics. With the percentiles decreasing , the trend
coefficients show a decreasing trend in mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze
River from Yichang to its east , while opposite trend appears in
southern Hunan and southern Jiangxi. For all grades , the total heavy
precipitation breaks congruously in 1993 , and shows a rising trend. The
raining days breaks during the end of 1980s and the beginning of 1990s.
The intensity begins to strengthen from 1994 , but becomes unobvious
after the year of 2000. For all grades , the heavy precipitation ,
raining days and intensity change regularly at an interdecadal period of
12 - 14 years and a short term period of 6 - 9 years.
(2) Abstract of Xukai Zou's talk [doc]
(3) A new available data set of daily observation precipitation is used
to study the temporal and spatial variability of extreme precipitation
events for 1956-2008 in the ten large river basins of China. The maximum
daily rainfall and heavy precipitation days (>50 mm/d) are analyzed
for the basins of the Songhua River, Liaohe River, Haihe River, Yellow
River, Northwest China Rivers, Huaihe River, Yangtze River, Pearl River,
Southeast China Rivers, and Southwest China rivers. The results indicate
that the maximum daily rainfall was increasing in southern river basins,
while it was decreasing in northern river basins, which leads to no discernible
increasing or decreasing trend in the maximum daily rainfall of whole China,
especially clearly after 2001. The national-averaged heavy precipitation
days shows an insignicant increase. But it implies a rise in heavy precipitation
days of southern river basins and a decline of northern river basins.
2012年2月21日(火) 15:00 - 16:30
稲津 將 (北海道大学)
Title: 確率微分方程式を用いた低次元系における北半球冬季の長周期変動の力学と予測可能性
Dynamics and Predictability of Extratropical Wintertime Low-Frequency Variability examined by a Stochastic Differential Equation in a Low-Dimensional System
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Time: 15:00-16:30 on Feb. 21, 2012
Dynamics and sub-seasonal predictability of extratropical
low-frequency variability (LFV) in Northern Hemisphere winter are examined
in the framework of a two-dimensional (2-D) stochastic differential equation
(SDE) on the phase space spanned by two leading empirical orthogonal
function modes of low-pass-filtered 500-hPa geopotential height variations.
The drift vector and diffusion tensor of the 2-D SDE with multiplicative
noise are theoretically connected to deterministic and stochastic error
growth, respectively, which are statistically estimated from a reanalysis
dataset. Projected onto the 2-D phase space is the predictability of LFV
estimated by the 10-day forecast spread based on the 1-month ensemble
prediction operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency. It is shown that the
inhomogeneous distribution of the LFV predictability in the 2-D phase space
is explained by the estimated stochastic error growth.
2012年2月10日(金) 13:30 - 15:00
井上元(国立環境研究所 共同研究員/GOSATプロジェクト・チーフサイエンティスト/東京大学大気海洋研究所気候システム研究系 客員教授)
Title: 二酸化炭素の大気濃度分布観測による森林火災からの発生量の推定
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Time: 13:30-15:00 on Feb. 10, 2012
2012年1月6日(金) 13:30 - 15:00
横山千恵(ユタ大学 大気科学科)
Title: 熱帯太平洋上のTRMM降水特性と大規模鉛直風との関係に関する解析―4種類の再解析データを用いて
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Time: 13:30-15:00 on Jan. 6, 2012
本研究では、熱帯降雨観測計画(TRMM)衛星によって観測された降水特性について、再解析データの大規模鉛直風との関係から調べた。熱帯太平洋上における1998年から2010年までの13年間のデータを用い、対流圏下層(850 hPa)および対流圏上層(300 hPa)の鉛直風と降水との関係に注目して解析を行った。特に、4種類の再解析データ(JRA25/JCDAS, NCEP, ERA-Interim, MERRA)を用いることによって、データによる振る舞いの違いを記述し理解することも目的の一つである。
まず、降水量と鉛直風の空間相関係数について各月ごとに調べた。その結果、東太平洋上の降水は、850 hPaにおける鉛直風と高く相関していた。一方、西太平洋では、降水は300 hPaにおける鉛直風と相関する傾向があるが、全般に、東太平洋に比べ相関係数は低かった。東太平洋では、強い海面水温勾配によって駆動される浅い収束場が降水とよく相関しているのに対し、西太平洋暖水域では、そのようなある特定の緯度帯に結びついた強制がなく、降水はより広い領域で生じうる。そのため、西太平洋では、ある地点における月平均降水はより多くの無降水日を含んでいると考えられ、結果的に相関が低くなると考えられる。
また、東太平洋上の300 hPaの鉛直風において、データ間の大きな違いが見られた。例えば、ある月に対して、ITCZ上で強い上昇流を示すデータがある一方で、弱い上昇流あるいは沈降流を示すデータもあった。今後、これらの違いについて、どのような種類の降水システムと関係しているのか、降水特性と鉛直風との日々の関係はどうなっているのかといった観点から、より詳細に調べていく予定である。
2011年12月26日(月)・27(火) 10:30 - 15:45
場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
2011年12月13日(火) 16:00 - 17:30
Title: 熱帯対流活動に関わる雲の放射影響力(CRF)の気候モデル再現性
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Time: 16:00-17:30 on Dec.13, 2011
2011年12月13日(火) 13:30 - 15:00
Prof. Xiquan (she-Chwen) Dong (University of North Dakota)
Title: Investigation of global climate change and hydrological extremes through an integrative analysis of surface-satellite observations and GCM simulations
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Time: 13:30-15:00 on Dec.13, 2011
The IPCC AR4 report suggests that extreme precipitation events will
become more intense as a result of global warming (IPCC, 2007).
Changes in extreme weather and climate events have significant
impacts on socioeconomics and are among the most serious challenges
to the society in coping with a changing climate. The past,
current and future Earth climate has been simulated by the NASA GISS
ModelE climate model and has been summarized by the Fourth
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC, AR4, 2007). New simulations from the updated AR5 version of
the NASA GISS ModelE GCM have been released to the public community
and will be included in the IPCC AR5 ensemble of simulations. Due
to the recent nature of these simulations, however, they are not yet
to be extensively validated against observations.
In this study, we will briefly introduce DOE ARM ground- and NASA
CERES/MODIS satellite observations of clouds and radiation, and
discuss how to use these observations to evaluate the NASA GISS GCM
simulated clouds and radiation, as well as investigate the global
and regional extreme events, such as drought, flood, and Arctic sea-
ice retreat.
1) Ground-based and Satellite remote sensing
2) Evaluation of NASA GISS GCM simulated clouds and
TOA radiation budget using CERES-MODIS satellite observations
3) Investigation of global and regional extreme events (drought,
flood, Arctic sea-ice retreat)
2011年11月22日(火) 13:30 - 15:00
Prof. Soon-chang Yoon (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University)
Title: Observation and modeling of Asian dust and aerosols, and their radiative effect in east Asia
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Time: 13:30-15:00 on Nov.22, 2011
Abstract: Aerosol is one of the most important components of atmosphere on cloud
formation and radiation. Its contribution to global warming has been one
of the major issues in climate change science in recent years. However,
the uncertainty of its impact on climate change is very large. Asia is
one of the major source regions of mineral dust and anthropogenic
aerosols in the world. We have observed optical, physical and chemical
properties of Asian dust and aerosols including BC(black carbons) and
OC(organic carbon) in an outflow region of the Asian continent, Gosan
Climate Observatory at Jeju island in Korea. Some highlights of our
observational and modeling studies will presented as followings:
1)Vertical profiles of light extinction, temperature and humidity
associated with elevated dust layers in east Asia, and its implication
on long-range transport of air pollutants
2)Monthly aerosol's directive radiative forcing at Gosan and in east Asia
3)MODIS monthly mean AOD over east Asia from year 2001~2007 which shows
some characteristics of Asian Dust and anthropogenic aerosols
4)Modeling of Asian Dust focusing on dust emission process
5)Vertical profiles of BC and heating rate measured by unmanned aircrafts
6)Comparison of BC warming vs CO2 warming using the measurement of BCs
and OCs at Gosan
2011年10月18日(火) 14:30 - 16:00
Matthew Hecht (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Title: Response of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to
Greenland Ice Sheet Melt: On the Role of Model Resolution
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Time: 14:30-16:00 on Oct.18, 2011
Abstract: The sensitivity of the North Atlantic Ocean's thermohaline circulation
to the influx of fresh water is considered to be one of the key
thresholds in the climate system. In climate models it is found that
projected freshwater inputs will lead to only a modest change in the
strength of thermohaline circulation. In these models, however, the
resolution within the ocean is not high enough to produce an adequate
Gulf Stream path and processes involving ocean eddies. Here, we
compare decadal time scale response in an ocean model with resolution
typical of climate system models to that of a strongly eddying ocean
model. We find that the strongly-eddying model is more sensitive to
freshwater input on a decadal time scale than is the non-eddying
model. This offers an early indication of the direction in which
climate change projections will be revised with use of a more
realistic strongly eddying ocean model.
2011年9月29日(木) 15:00 - 17:00
<博士論文予備審査会> 門脇正尚(東京大学 大気海洋研究所)
講演題目: 大気大循環モデルを用いた火星大気中の砂嵐の時間発展に関する研究
場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
2011年9月22日(木) 13:30 - 15:30
<博士論文予備審査会> 佐藤 陽祐(東京大学 大気海洋研究所)
講演題目: カリフォルニア沖を対象とした暖かい雲の微物理特性に関する数値実験
場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
2011年9月5日(月) 15:30 - 17:00
Takanobu Yamaguchi (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science, University of Colorado, and NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder Colorado)
Title: Cooling of Entrained Parcels in a Large-Eddy Simulation
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Time: 15:30-17:00 on Sep. 2, 2011
The relative importance, for cloud-top entrainment, of the cooling rates due to longwave radiation, evaporation, and mixing was assessed through analysis of the results produced by a Lagrangian parcel tracking model (LPTM) incorporated into a large-eddy simulation model. The LPTM predicts each parcel’s trajectory over time, using the resolved velocity simulated by the host model. An LPTM makes it possible to identify entrained parcels; this is almost impossible to do in an observational study.
A nocturnal stratocumulus cloud was simulated over four hours using a 5 m horizontal grid spacing and a 2.5 m vertical grid spacing. At the start of the last hour of the simulation, over 40 million parcels were placed near the top of the inversion layer, then tracked. Parcel histories were analyzed to identify entrained parcels.
Entrainment occurs in cloud holes, which occur in dry regions of sinking air. Entrainment into the mixed layer is regulated by buoyancy, which requires parcels to be pre-cooled in the inversion layer, prior to entrainment. A mixing fraction analysis was used to separate the cooling due to longwave radiation, evaporation, and mixing. Results show that radiative and evaporative cooling are of comparable importance, but that mixing is by far the dominant cooling mechanism. The radiative cooling rate is strongly inhomogeneous, and only weak radiative cooling is found in regions of entrainment. Therefore, the entrained parcels experience less than the horizontal-mean radiative cooling. Although radiative cooling maintains the boundary layer turbulence, its direct effects on buoyancy of entrained parcels are modest.
2011年9月2日(金) 13:30 - 15:30
Stefan Kinne(Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg)
Title: An aerosol climatology and applications
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Time: 13:30-15:30 on Sep. 2, 2011
2011年8月26日(金) 13:30 - 15:30
Nick Schutgens (AORI)
Title: On the use of an ensemble Kalman filter for global aerosol
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Time: 13:30-15:30 on Aug. 26, 2011
The past decade has seen a rapid increase in our ability to both monitor atmospheric aerosol and model its global distribution and evolution. Nevertheless, observations remain fairly sparse (especially over land) and the models are far from perfect. Integrating observations and simulations of aerosol into a comprehensive picture provides one way forward in our understanding of the aerosol system and its impact on climate change or air quality. In an ensemble Kalman assimilation system, observations are used to constrain an ensemble of simulations with perturbed values of several model parameters (e.g. emissions). This talk will describe the implementation of an assimilation system based on the model MIROC-SPRINTARS and a variety of observational datasets (AERONET, SKYNET, MODIS, CALIOP, ADNET). Many practical uses for such a system can be found and several will be discussed: aerosol reanalysis for GOSAT CO2 retrievals, aerosol initialization for air quality forecasts (SALSA), model parameter estimation (e.g. aerosol emissions) and aerosol direct radiative forcing estimates.
2011年7月29日(金) 13:30 - 15:00
釜江陽一(筑波大学 生命環境科学研究科)
Title: 鮮新世中期温暖期における大気大循環の再現と古植生記録による検証
Place: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
USGS PRISM3により復元された当時の海面水温(SST)分布は、高緯度
2011年7月15日(金) 13:30 - 15:00
三好建正 (University of Maryland)
Title: Advances and Challenges in Ensemble Data Assimilation
Place: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
Ensemble data assimilation (EnDA) is a rapidly growing field mainly due
to its potential and its relative ease of implementation. EnDA with
geophysical systems has inevitable imperfections: a limited ensemble
size, nonlinearities, non-Gaussianities, model errors, and observation
bias. These limitations could cause an unstable data assimilation cycle,
eventually leading to filter divergence, a failure of data assimilation.
Among many possible treatments such as model and observation bias
correction, studies have shown that error covariance inflation and
localization played an important role in dealing with those issues and
stabilizing the filter. Advancing the inflation and localization methods
is a key to improving EnDA performances. One of the foci of this
presentation is the Gaussian approach to adaptive inflation, inspired by
Li et al. and Anderson, which takes information from observations to
estimate temporally and spatially varying covariance inflation
parameters. The method has been implemented with the Local Ensemble
Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) and has shown success with broad
applications ranging from a toy model to real-world NWP models, and even
with a Martian atmospheric model. Another key to improving EnDA is to
seek more effective use of observations. Liu and Kalnay proposed a
sensitivity analysis method to quantify how helpful or harmful each
observation is within an EnDA framework. This ensemble sensitivity
method has been applied for the first time to real observations using
the LETKF system with the WRF model. The impact of T-PARC/TCS-08
dropsonde observations for Typhoon Sinlaku (2008) was investigated.
2011年7月8日(金) 13:30 - 15:00
宮原 ひろ子(東京大学 宇宙線研究所)
講演題目: 宇宙線変動が気候変動/気象現象に与える影響について
場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
2011年6月23日(木) 13:30 - 15:30
Jonathan Day (University of Bristol, now at JAMSTEC/RIGC) and Michelle Tigchelaar (University of Hawaii/IPRC)
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Time: 13:30-15:30 on Jun. 23, 2011
Jonathan Day (University of Bristol, now at JAMSTEC/RIGC)
Title: The impact of 21st century sea ice decline on the mass balance of Greenland and Svalbard
- Abstract:
The Arctic is a region particularly susceptible to rapid climate change. General circulation models (GCMs) suggest a polar amplification of any global warming signal by about 1.5 due, largely, to sea ice feedbacks. The dramatic recent decline in multi-year ice cover lies outside the standard deviation of the CMIP3 ensemble GCM predictions and has lead to the suggestion that the Arctic Ocean could be ice free in summer within 30-40 years.
Sea ice acts as a barrier between cold air and warmer oceans during winter, as well as inhibiting evaporation from the water below during the summer. An ice free Arctic would likely have an altered hydrological cycle with more evaporation from the ocean surface leading to changes in precipitation distribution and amount.
Using the U.K. Met Office Regional Climate Model (RCM), HadRM3, the atmospheric effects of the observed and projected reduction in Arctic sea ice are investigated. The RCM is driven by the atmospheric general circulation model HadAM3. Both models are forced with sea surface temperature and sea ice for the period 2061-2090 from the CMIP3 HadGEM1 experiments. Here we use an RCM at 25 and 50km resolution over the Arctic, which captures well the present-day pattern of precipitation and provides a detailed picture of the projected changes in the behaviour of the oceanic-atmosphere moisture fluxes and how they affect precipitation.
These experiments show that though the surface mass balance of Greenland is affected by a reduced sea ice cover, it is relatively isolated from such effects compared to the low lying glaciers and ice caps on Svalbard.
Michelle Tigchelaar(University of Hawaii/IPRC)
Title: 400k-cycles in the Pliocene
Periodic variations in Earth's orbit around the Sun can have profound
influences on Earth's climate. One of the orbital parameters is the
eccentricity, which varies on timescales of 100ka and 400ka. The 400ka
cycle in eccentricity leads to an amplitude modulation of the
precessional cycle. Strong 400ka variability has been found in
paleo-records from marine sediment cores - amongst others in the
Pliocene - but this variability has been little addressed and remains
thus far unexplained. Principal Component Analysis of eight Pacific and
Atlantic deep ocean benthic d13C records from the Pliocene reveals that
benthic d13C values co-vary in the two basins. 400ka variability is
also found in other climate variables, such as opal accumulation rate
and the meridional temperature gradient in the EEP. In order to assess
how 400ka orbital forcing can create a climate signal we performed a
series of experiments with the EMIC LOVECLIM. Even though the
precessional cycle does not cause an annual mean insolation change,
nonlinear rectification mechanisms generate substantial precessional
signals in various parts of the climate system. Further research
should indicate which of these mechanisms is responsible for the
observed 400ka variability.
2011年6月21日(火) 10:30 - 11:30
講演題目: 大気局所エネルギー論とその氷期気候系への応用
場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
問い合わせ先: 岡 顕(akira(at)aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp)