日時:金曜日 13:30-15:00
場所:東京大学柏キャンパス 総合研究棟270室
青: 気候システムセミナー ;
緑: それ以外の内部向け関連情報
2019年3月25日(月) 10:00 - 12:00
菊地 一佳(ハワイ大学)
Title: Multiscale structure of the MJO and NICAM simulation
Time: 10:00 - 12:00 on Mar. 25, 2019.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
Examining MJO events during CINDY/DYNAMO, we have shown that slow and zonally-narrow convectively coupled Kelvin waves are major building blocks of the MJO based on spatio-temporal wavelet transform (STWT) analysis of satellite-borne infrared radiation data. These Kelvin waves have a range of phase speed of 3-9 m s-1, which is in line with the MJO’s phase speed, while they are distinct from the typical convectively coupled Kelvin waves (~16 m s-1) that are shown up in climatological spectra. This finding is further corroborated by statistical analysis of data over 30 years. Composite analysis reveals the difference between the typical and slow Kelvin waves. Although both types of waves have similar convective features in which maximum convective activity is observed on and around the equator, the degree to which they are trapped in the equator is different. The e-folding scale in the meridional direction of the slow Kelvin waves is a smaller than that of the typical Kelvin waves, which is qualitatively consistent with the fact that the slow Kelvin waves have smaller equivalent depth and thus have a slow phase speed.
On the basis of the observational data analysis, we hypothesize that in order for a general circulation model (GCM) to simulate the MJO, it needs to be able to simulate the slow Kelvin waves from time to time. We are currently testing our hypothesis using a variety of NICAM outputs. In contrast to many conventional GCMs, NICAM is able to reproduce space-time power spectra (including the typical Kelvin wave and MJO signals) that are quite consistent with observations, except for its weaker MJO amplitude as in any other GCMs. Case studies of AMIP-type simulations also show that simulated MJO events are accompanied by slow Kelvin waves, supporting our hypothesis. When it comes to predicting the MJO, however, it is found that some MJO events are very difficult to reproduce. In such cases, it is suggested that the typical Kelvin waves, instead of the slow Kelvin waves, are exclusively enhanced. Perhaps the failure is attributed partly to the lack of data assimilation in NICAM and partly to uncertainties in cloud microphysics parameterization. In this study, we would like to stress the latter. In fact, cloud microphysics scheme has a profound influence on NICAM’s performance in simulating subseasonal tropical variability, i.e., tiny things really matter. It is concluded that the NICAM is potentially able to simulate the MJO, yet there is still room for improvement in its cloud microphysics scheme and further efforts are worth sophisticating it.
2019年2月4日(月) 13:30 - 15:00
Title: A Mechanism for the Maintenance of Sharp Tropical Margins
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 on Feb. 4, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
The deep tropics characterized by moist air and deep convection are separated from the dry, quiescent subtropics often by a sharp horizontal gradient of moisture only loosely tied to SST or other geographical constraints. Mapes et al. (GRL, 2018) showed that this margin of the moist tropics is a true PDF minimum (a regime separatrix), along a column water vapor (CWV) contour around 48 mm in instantaneous data. Quasi-meridional statistical composites of observations across the poleward-most excursion of this sinuous contour retain the sharpness of the margin while increasing signal to noise ratio. Observations primarily from a suite of the A-Train satellites show the meridional structure of thermodynamic state and budget terms across the margin of the moist tropics. Composites are computed around the PDF-minimum CWV value of 48 mm as well as a range of other thresholds from 35 mm to 60 mm for comparison.
Major findings are summarized as follows. (1) CWV increases equatorward from the subtropics for all CWV thresholds but eventually converges to 48 mm deep into the tropical side. Precipitation abruptly intensifies on the tropical side of the margin but declines equatorward to 85 W/m2 regardless of the CWV thresholds. (2) The diabatic forcing to the atmosphere (radiative heating plus surface heat fluxes) changes its sign across the CWV=48 mm border, being positive on the tropical side and negative on the subtropics. This contrast is owing to the meridional gradient of radiative heating, principally the longwave effect of high clouds. (3) Vertical mode decomposition reveals a transition from bottom-heavy to top-heavy subsidence on the subtropical side of the margin. These observed features are interpreted in terms of a simple theory from the moisture and heat budget perspectives. The model explains the abrupt moistening at the margin as a singularity where the vertical displacement of air costs little energy within a column.
2019年1月23日(水) 10:00 - 12:00
Title: 大規模アンサンブル実験結果を用いた台風季節予報の可能性調査
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 on Feb. 4, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
2018年12月27日(木) 9:00〜
場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
2018年12月18日(火) 13:30 - 15:00
Prof. Byung-Ju Sohn (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea)
Title: Characteristics of warm-type heavy rainfall over the humid East Asian summer environment
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 on Dec. 18, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
Ten years (2002-201)) of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Missio (TRMM) Precipitation Radar (PR) reflectivities, signaling heavy rainfall (>10mmh-1), were objectively classified by applying the K-means clustering method in order to obtain typical reflectivity profiles associated with heavy rainfall over East Asia. Two types of heavy rainfall emerged as the most important rain processes over East Asia: Type 1 (cold-type) characterized by high storm height and abundant ice crystals under convectively unstable conditions, developing mostly over inland China; and Type 2 (warm-type) associated with a lower storm height and lower ice water content, developing mostly over the ocean. These two types also show sharp contrasts in relation to their seasonal changes and in the diurnal variation of frequency maxima, in addition to other contrasting meteorological parameters.
It is shown that moist-adiabatically near neutral conditions prevailing for warm-type heavy rainfall, results in a gentle upward motion and thus relatively lower cloud top. But warm-type rains can be heavy because of the main growth of rain drops through the collision and coalescence processes below the melting layer. In order to examine whether a numerical model could explain the microphysical evolution of the warm-type as well as cold-type heavy rainfall, numerical experiments were conducted with idealized thermodynamic conditions. Evidences are provided for supporting the collision-coalescence processes below the melting layer as a responsible mechanism of the heavy rainfall associated with the warm type.
2018年12月7日(金) 16:00 - 17:30
Bjorn Stevens (Director of Max Planck Institute for Meteorology & Professor, University of Hamburg)
Title: Factors influencing the position of the ITCZ
Time: 16:00 - 17:30 on Dec. 7, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
Recently a number of theories have arisen which explain the position of the mean ITCZ as a response to asymmetries in the hemispheric heat budget. Earlier theories suggested instead a role of stationary eddies shaped by the distribution of continents. We review these theories in light of idealized studies showing a pronounced sensitivity of the position of the zonal mean ITCZ to the representation of atmospheric deep convection. Our diagnostic studies suggest that the position of the ITCZ is balanced to a large extent by the strength of shallow circulations which are susceptible to surface and radiative forcing, in contrast to theories identifying a role of large-scale factors. To contrast the role of stationary eddies versus the hemispheric energy balance I report on numerical experiments with a retrograde rotating earth. These experiments with a fully coupled earth system model are the first of their kind, and suggest that the hemispheric heat imbalance is consistent with the position of the ITCZ, but likely the shape of the continents and zonal asymmetries play a more important role in determining the structure of the ITCZ on Earth.
2018年11月27日(火) 15:00 - 16:30
Takanobu Yamaguchi (NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, ESRL)
Title: Role of vertical wind shear in aerosol-cloud interactions in marine shallow cumulus clouds
Time: 15:00 - 16:30 on Nov. 27, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
The microphysical suppression of drizzle in precipitating shallow cumulus clouds has recently been shown to be buffered by cloud deepening as a dynamical response to increased droplet number. In this study, we employ large eddy simulations with a newly implemented two-moment bin microphysics model to revisit the buffering and explore the role of vertical wind shear in aerosol-cloud interactions in trade cumuli. An idealized case with steady large scale forcing and nudged mean wind and aerosol concentration is developed based on a ship measurements over the Sulu Sea of the Philippines in 2012 and corresponding reanalysis data. Quasi-steady state is reached after 30-40 h for all 6 simulations (3 different aerosol concentrations with / without vertical wind shear). Consistent with a previous study, our simulations show a deepening of cloud top and a reduction of cloud fraction for higher aerosol loadings and that the buffering expresses itself in surface precipitation. Simulations with vertical wind shear produce shallower clouds as well as shallower boundary layers than those without vertical wind shear, resulting in a reduction in surface rain rate as aerosol amount increases. Vertical wind shear imposes two effects: clustering of clouds and evaporation of thin cloud elements. The differences between these simulations are reasonably understood as a competition between these two effects.
2018年11月22日(木) 10:30 - 12:00
<博士論文事前発表会>岩崎 千沙(東京大学大気海洋研究所)
Title: 温室効果ガス観測衛星を用いたエアロゾル高濃度域におけるCO2濃度導出手法の改良
Time: 10:30 - 12:00 on Nov. 22, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
2018年11月16日(金) 15:00 - 16:30
Title: 中高緯度の温暖化の南北半球非対称性が熱帯の降水分布に及ぼす影響
Time: 15:00 - 16:30 on Nov. 16, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
参考文献:Yoshimori, M., A. Abe-Ouchi, H. Tatebe, T. Nozawa, and A. Oka (2018): The importance of ocean dynamical feedback for understanding the impact of mid-high-latitude warming on tropical precipitation change. J. Climate, 31, 2417-2434.
2018年11月9日(金) 13:30 - 15:00
Prof. Chen Guanghua (Chinese Academy of Sciences, also now visiting professor of AORI)
Title: The role of inner-core diabatic cooling in tropical cyclone structure and intensity change
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 on Nov. 9, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
The effects of diabatic heating/cooling in the near-core region on tropical cyclone (TC) structure and intensity change are examined by artificially modifying the convective and stratiform heating/cooling in the near-core region. This talk focus on that, with the stratiform cooling doubled, the storm terminates intensification and eventually develops a double-eyewall-like structure accompanied by the significantly outward expansion of the inner-core size. To generalize the result, the low-level inner-core diabatic cooling is increased by 30%, which features the low-entropy air and downward motion in the inner-core region whereas the convergence and active convective updrafts are in the outer-core region. In collaboration with the favorable ambient dynamical conditions and boundary layer dynamical processes, the concentric convective ring is initiated with the aid of the outward expansion of strong wind field, and then contracts inward to replace the inner eyewall. Subsequently, the deep-tropospheric radial outflows driven by the large outward-directed agradient force related to the massive strong tangential wind generate a largely outward-tilted eyewall, eventually forming a large-eyed storm. In addition, the extra four sensitivity experiments are also conducted to examine the impact of strength and radial location of the increased low-level cooling on the storm structure and intensity change.
2018年10月12日(金) 15:00 - 16:30
Roberta D'Agostino (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology)
Title: Past and future response of Northern Hemisphere monsoons:
The mid-Holocene does not represent an analogue for future warming.
Time: 15:00 - 16:30 on Oct. 12, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
Mechanisms mediating the response of Northern Hemisphere monsoons are investigated in two different warm climates : the mid-Holocene, whose climate change is driven by precession-induced insolation changes, and a future global warming scenario, rcp8.5, whose climate change is due to increases in greenhouse gas concentrations. The mid-Holocene is characterized by Northern Hemisphere warming and enhanced inter-hemispheric thermal contrast in boreal summer that are similar to those seen under global warming and, as a result, monsoons wetten and expand relative to present-day climate in both climates. We found that in general they do so more in the mid-Holocene than in rcp8.5. In fact, only the Indian monsoon is found to be stronger in rcp8.5 that in mid-Holocene. To understand these different responses, the moisture budget is decomposed in thermodynamic, dynamic and transient eddy contributions, to explore whether changes in monsoonal precipitation are mostly related to changes in specific humidity, changes in the mean atmospheric circulation or changes in synoptic-scale transient activity. Under mid-Holocene forcing, the expansion and intensification of Northern Hemisphere monsoons are due to a strengthening of monsoonal circulations resulting from enhanced net energy input over land. On the other hand, in rcp8.5 monsoons are affected to a different degree by thermodynamic, dynamic and transient eddy components, with strong regional monsoon behaviors due to local changes in the net energy input. However, monsoonal circulations robustly weaken in rcp8.5 relative to mid-Holocene. This weakening represents a limit for the projected expansion and intensification of monsoonal rainfall with global warming, which is unlikely to reach mid-Holocene extent and strength. This process-oriented study improves the confidence on future monsoon projections because it identifies future constraints on monsoon dynamics by comparing and contrasting it with past climate changes. It additionally shows how, despite similar changes in inter-hemispheric thermal contrast, the mid-Holocene does not represent an analogue for future warming induced by increased greenhouse gases.
2018年10月3日(水) 13:00〜
場所: 総合研究棟 4センター共用2階会議室 270
2018年8月29日(水) 10:00 - 12:00
Title: 積雲対流スキームのグレーゾーンへの対応
Time: 10:00 - 12:00 on Aug. 29, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
Arakawa and Wu (2013)、Wu and Arakawa (2014)は、既存の積雲対流スキームをグレーゾーンで利用可能にするためのフレームワークであるUnified Parameterizationを提案した。Unified Parameterizationにおいては、グリッド内の積雲面積の決定について、その科学的な基礎付けを与える努力がなされており、モデルの格子間隔が大きい場合には、スキームは既存の積雲対流スキームと同じように振る舞い、モデルの格子間隔が小さくなるにつれ、その振る舞いが雲解像モデルに近づいていくことが目指されている。しかし、現在提案されているUnified Parameterizationの枠組みは、実装の方向性を提案したという意味合いが強く、これを実装するに当たっては、未解決の多くの問題が存在する。そのうちの一つは、Unified Parameterizationが、一種類の雲タイプだけを扱う積雲対流スキームを前提としていることであり、現状では、Arakawa-Schubertスキームや、Chikira-Sugiyamaスキームのような、複数の雲タイプを扱うスキームには適用できない。
発表者は、Unified Parameterizationを複数の雲タイプを扱うスキームにも適用可能にするための一般化を行った。本発表では、その定式化の手法および、今後の実装の展望について紹介する。
2018年8月21日(火) 10:00 - 12:00
Prof. Steven Sherwood (UNSW(オーストラリア)Climate Change Research Centre(CCRC))
Title: New insights into convective dynamics and memory
Time: 10:00 - 12:00 on Aug. 21, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
Convective models and parameterization remain an unsolved challenge in atmospheric sciences. I will present work testing various assumptions often made in convective schemes, about the dynamics and kinematics of updrafts, and about the ability to diagnose convective rain from mesoscale mean states. This work suggests that deep convection may behave more like shallow convection or disorganised turbulence than is often suspected; that convective memory appears to play an important role in the time evolution of convection; and that convection may be fundamentally undiagnosable from the large-scale cotemporaneous state alone. This suggests that convective memory variables may be necessary to properly capture convective responses on the wide range of time scales desired in weather and climate models. Results also suggest that coupling of convection to the boundary layer is important and is a dominant pathway for convective memory.
2018年8月7日(火) 11:00 - 12:00
Xianglei Huang (University of Michigan, Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering)
Title: Spectrum: an underutilized dimension in climate observations and model diagnostics
Time: 11:00 - 12:00 on Aug. 7, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
While broadband flux has been widely used in climate studies, its integrand, the spectral flux, has not been fully utilized in climate studies. An important trait of spectral flux is that they can reveal compensating biases, which cannot be revealed by broadband diagnostics alone. I will first describe an algorithm developed in my group to derive such spectral flux from currently available satellite observations over the entire longwave spectrum. Three GCMs are used to illustrate the application of the spectral flux and cloud radiative effects in model evaluations. Next, I will describe the longwave spectral radiative feedbacks as derived from the CMIP3 and CMIP5 archives with a spectral radiative kernel technique, as well as the spectral decomposition of longwave cloud radiative feedback from the A-Train observations and from the NCAR CESM simulation. If time allows, I will describe two ongoing satellite missions, PREFIRE by NASA and FORUM by ESA, and the connections to the spectral studies described above.
2018年8月2日(木) 15:30 - 17:00
Title: Subsurface Nonlinear Dynamical Heating and ENSO Asymmetry in Ocean Reanalysis and CMIP5 Climate Models(亜表層における非線型力学加熱とENSO非対称性:海洋客観解析データとCMIP5気候モデル群を用いた調査報告)
Time: 15:30 - 17:00 on Aug. 2, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
モデルの現状を把握するために、特に海洋亜表層の非線形力学加熱(Nonlinear Dynamical Heating, NDH)に着目
して、複数の海洋客観解析データを用いた調査結果を報告し(Hayashi and Jin 2017, GRL: http://rdcu.be/Cxge )、
客観解析データ(ORAS3、SODA 3.3.1、GODAS)を用いて、熱帯太平洋の深さ0-300 mについて熱収支解析を行った。
東部太平洋の亜表層(100-180W、深さ50-150 m)で平均したNDHの時系列は常に正の値をとり、温度躍層付近に
CMIP5 (piControl、現段階では12モデル)のデータにおける亜表層非線型過程の調査を行った。ほとんどの気候
キーワード: ENSO, asymmetry, nonlinearity, ocean dynamics, ocean reanalysis, CMIP5
参考文献: Hayashi, M., and F.-F. Jin, 2017: Subsurface Nonlinear Dynamical Heating and ENSO Asymmetry. Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 12427-12435, doi:10.1002/2017GL075771. http://rdcu.be/Cxge
2018年7月30日(月) 9:30 - 11:30
Title: Observational study on spatiotemporal characteristics of hydrometeors and aerosols using multi-platform satellite measurements(複数の衛星観測を用いた雲・降水粒子とエアロゾルの時空間特性に関する観測的研究)
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 on Jul. 24, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
2018年7月24日(火) 13:00 - 15:00
佐藤陽祐(名古屋大学大学院工学研究科 総合エネルギー工学専攻)
Yousuke Sato (Department of Applied Energy, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University)
Title: LESを用いた洋上に発生する積雲の解像度依存性 〜NICAM・SCALEを用いて行っている低層雲研究の紹介とともに〜
Time: 13:00 - 15:00 on Jul. 24, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
参考文献:Sato et al.(2018), https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2018MS001285
2018年6月19日(火) 10:00 - 11:30
Prof. Byung-Ju Sohn (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea)
Title: Thirty-year trend of sea ice top-layer temperature over the Arctic Ocean and its consequences in global warming
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 on Jun. 19, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
Based on the use of the analytically-derived “combined Fresnel equation” that combines two Fresnel equations for polarized reflectivities, we were able to retrieve the temperature at the ice top-layer over the Artic sea ice area from AMSR-E 6.925 GHz measurements. Aimed at producing the long-term temperature sea ice temperature data over the Arctic sea ice region, we made an attempt to retrieve the top-layer temperature from 30-year long SSM/I and SSMIS FCDR data. In so doing we developed an algorithm to relate AMSR-retrieved interface temperatures to SSM/I frequency channel measurements (here at 19.4 GHz), with the introduction of a correction factor removing surface roughness and ice/snow scattering effects. The correction factor was defined as a product of geometric roughness factor with transmittance by snow/ice scatterings.
By applying the developed algorithm to 30 years (1988-2017) of SSM/I and SSMIS 19.4 GHz brightness temperatures over the Arctic sea ice region, 30 year data of winter time sea ice/snow interface temperature were produced in daily time scale. Initial results demonstrate that the warming is much larger than any other regions in the globe; a continuous and dramatic increase of up to 3-6K over the 20 year time span (last ten year (2008-2017) average minus first ten year (1988-1997) average) over most of Arctic Ocean. This may be the first Arctic Ocean-wide picture revealing how the Arctic amplification has been evolved.
2018年6月6日(水) 10:00 - 11:30
三ツ井 孝仁(AORI 特任研究員)
Title: 間氷期のタイミングに関するシンプルなルール
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 on Jun. 6, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
海底コアの酸素同位体比記録(Lisiecki & Raymo, Paleoceanography 2005)などから過去260万年間に約50回程度の間氷期があったことが示唆されている。この氷期・間氷期サイクルは北半球高緯度の夏の日射量変動にリズム調節されていると考えられているが、日射強度そのものと間氷期のタイミングは必ずしも対応しない。今回我々は、いくつかの日射量測度と観測された間氷期のタイミングの関係について分析を行った。その結果、間氷期は65°Nにおける熱量的夏半年の累積日射量がある閾値を超えた時に現れていること、この閾値は前の間氷期からの経過時間に比例して減少していることがわかった。このような観測に基づいて構成された統計モデルは過去260万年の間氷期のタイミングをおおよそ全て説明することができた (Tzedakis, Crucifix, Mitsui & Wolff, Nature 2017)。本セミナーではさらに、前の間氷期からの時間経過とともに閾値が減少する要因について、3次元氷床モデルIcIES(Abe-Ouchi et al. Nature 2013)の結果と比較して考察する。また、阿部研究室のプロジェクトにて私が取り組んでいるダンスガード・オシュガーサイクルの研究の展望についてもお話したい。
2018年5月8日(火) 13:30 - 15:00
斉藤和雄(AORI 特任研究員)
(1) 自己紹介と最近の研究
(2) 京コンピュータによる豪雨事例の超高解像度広領域数値予報実験
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 on May. 8, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
i) 極端気象に強い都市創りのRDP研究TOMACS、
ii) HPCI戦略プログラムとポスト京重点課題、
対流コアとそのサイズをMiyamoto (2013)の全球雲解像シミュレーションと同様な方
2018年4月24日(火) 15:00 - 17:00
<博士論文事前発表会>菊池 麻紀 (JAXA地球観測研究センター)
Title: Observational study on spatiotemporal characteristics of hydrometeors and aerosols using multi-platform satellite measurements
Time: 15:00 - 17:00 on Apr. 24, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
2018年4月23日(月) 13:00 - 15:00
神山 翼(東大理学系研究科地球惑星科学専攻)
Title: 地球温暖化への海面水温応答は「ラニーニャ的」でありうるか?
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 on Apr. 23, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
2018年4月20日(金) 13:30 - 15:00
Dr. Kozo Nakamura (AORI)
Title: 暖かい雨の雲微物理過程のモデリング
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 on Apr. 20, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
ここでは、昨年まで、海洋研究開発機構(JAMSTEC)で行ってきた久芳・藤吉のビン法モデル(詳しくは、Kuba and Fujiyoshi 2006 を参照)を使った貿易風帯積雲(RICO, Rain in Cumulus over the Ocean Experiment 2004-2005 のcase)の再現実験を中心に、その過程を紹介したい。
2018年4月11日(水) 10:00 - 11:30
津滝 俊(大気海洋研究所)
Title: 現地観測から明らかにする氷河氷床の表面質量収支
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 on Apr. 11, 2018.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270.
問い合わせ先: 岡 顕(akira(at)aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp)