日時:金曜日 13:30-15:00
場所:東京大学柏キャンパス 総合研究棟270室
青: 気候システムセミナー ;
緑: それ以外の内部向け関連情報
2023年5月15日(月) 13:30-15:00
Prof. Xianglei Huang (University of Michigan)
Title: Studying climate through a spectral lens
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 on May. 15, 2023.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Radiative transfer processes are intrinsically spectral dependent, yet this spectral dimension is not broadly utilized in physical climate studies. I will present three examples to illustrate the merit of spectral dimension in such studies, closely tied to relevant satellite observations. First, I will show how the longwave spectral flux derived from observations can be used in model diagnostics to reveal compensating biases that broadband diagnostics alone cannot tell in the radiative feedback analysis. Second, I will describe why two longwave processes, namely surface spectral emission and cloud longwave scattering, are missing in current climate models but should be included for a faithful simulation of polar climate. Third, I will briefly describe the implication of the most recent NASA solar spectral irradiance measurements from TSIS-1 on the International Space Station, especially the partition between visible and near-infrared, for high-latitude climate simulation.
2023年4月27日(木) 10:00-11:30
Prof. Bjorn Stevens (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology)
Title: Thoughts on CMIP and the future of climate science
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 on Apr. 27, 2023.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
With the arrival of climate change, and the acceptance of the basic tenets of climate science, we are entering a new era. These changes are colored by an explosion of computational capacity, supporting machine learning and high-resolution simulation and increasing interest by the private sector. In this talk I share some thoughts on what these changes mean for how we structure our science, and in so doing present my ideas, and our activities, in relation to high-level international activities such as CMIP, Destination Earth, EVE, and the Berlin Summit.
2023年4月27日(木) 13:30-15:00
Dr. Xi Cao (AORI)
Title: TBD
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 on Apr. 27, 2023.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
2023年4月6日(木) 13:30-15:00
Prof. Johnny Luo (City University of New York)
Title: Use of trace gas measurements to quantify convective transport pathways toward developing a new transport diagnostic and metric
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 on Apr. 6, 2023.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Convective transport from the marine boundary layer (MBL) to the upper troposphere (UT) is investigated using airborne in situ measurements of chemical tracers over the tropical western Pacific (TWP). Using 42 trace gas species with photochemical lifetimes ranging from shorter than a day to multiple decades, we developed a diagnostic called Transit Time Distribution, G(t) to characterize convective transport time scales associated with UT air parcels sampled over the convectively dominant TWP region. G(t) describes relative contributions of air masses transported from the MBL to the UT via all transport paths with different transit times (see the schematic illustration below). We further demonstrate that the tracer-derived transit time scale is broadly comparable to that estimated from convective mass flux and Lagrangian trajectory analysis. The observation-based Transit Time Distribution not only provides insights into convective transport pathways, but also has the potential to serve as an effective metric for evaluating the representation of convective transport in global models.
2023年4月6日(木) 15:00-16:30
Prof. P.L. Vidale (Reading University)
Title: From High-Resolution to Global Storm Resolving Models: achievements and perspectives
Time: 15:00 - 16:30 on Apr. 6, 2023.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
Increasing available high-performance computing has enabled global coupled models to resolve some of the fundamental processes governing the climate system. More explicit representation of eddies in the ocean and of weather systems in the atmosphere impacts the general circulation and reduces inter-model disagreement.
More realistic simulation of the global hydrological cycle at resolutions beyond 50km underpins more trustworthy projections of the availability of heat, carbon and water to land vs ocean ecosystems. Global “Weather-Resolving” models produce reliable global teleconnections that govern regional changes in weather and climate, including extremes (e.g. Tropical Cyclones). Resolving the ocean mesoscale produces “out of trajectory” future climates for Europe.
Global Storm Resolving Models now operate in the resolution range of 1-10 km, removing some long-standing errors in the simulation of precipitation (location, organization, diurnal cycle, intensity/frequency). However, uncertainties remain with respect to the adequateness of key parametrisations at such scales, motivating research on global cloud-resolving capability.
2023年4月4日(火) 13:00-14:30
Dr. Christopher Terai (Lawrence Livermore National Lab.)
Title: Clouds and precipitation in two versions of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM)
Time: 13:00 - 14:30 on Apr. 4, 2023.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
As part of the US Department of Energy’s (DOE) Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) project, two versions of climate models are currently being developed. The 100-km scale version 3 of the E3SM Atmosphere Model (EAMv3) and a 3.25km scale Simple Cloud Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model (SCREAM). In this talk, I will present early results of clouds and precipitation in these two model configurations. Compared to earlier versions of the model, EAMv3 employs a new microphysics scheme (P3) and a range of new deep convection enhancements that help to represent the impacts of meso-scale convection, the impact of large-scale circulations on convection, and a more sophisticated convective cloud microphysics scheme that allows for aerosol effects. These new adjustments improve the tropical and diurnal variability in clouds and precipitation, while also maintaining the mean-state patterns of precipitation. Results from a pair of 30-year present-day and +4K warmed SST simulations will be discussed, regarding the impact of the new physics on cloud and precipitation responses.
2023年4月4日(火) 14:30-16:00
Dr. Ann Fridlind (NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies)
Title: Use of LES case studies for improving cloud physics in large-scale models
Time: 14:30 - 16:00 on Apr. 4, 2023.
Place: General Research Bldg. 2F room 270
The most recent Earth system model development cycle at NASA GISS relied heavily on side-by-side comparison of large-eddy simulation (LES) case studies with GISS-ModelE3 run in single-column model (SCM) mode. Introduction of a moist turbulence scheme was first tested against clear-sky boundary layer cases. Adding two-moment stratiform microphysics with prognostic precipitation was tested against stratocumulus, cumulus, transition, mixed-phase, cirrus and deep convection cases. A recently developed case of highly supercooled mixed-phase stratus observed over Antarctica during the DOE AWARE campaign is highlighted to demonstrate derivation of microphysical process parameter uncertainty ranges as input to a machine learning tuning process. New cases currently under development for use in the next round of GISS-ModelE3 development are being derived from several recent field campaigns (DOE COMBLE and TRACER, and NASA CAMP2Ex and SEAC4RS), including three general improvements. First, new cases are all taking a cloud-following Lagrangian approach, starting with cloud-free conditions and tracking cloud life cycle. Second, each case includes realistic aerosol size distributions based on observations, suitable to test prognostic droplet activation, primary ice formation, and aerosol wet scavenging. Third, several diverse cases of target regimes are being derived from each campaign, thus providing a stronger test of physics across varying conditions (e.g., range of cold-air outbreak index). The availability and development of well-constrained LES/SCM case studies has revealed several additional applications beyond the main objective of providing a benchmark for handling uncertain microphysical processes: namely, the LES/SCM case studies have proved useful for testing instrument simulators, evaluating satellite data products used for large-scale model tuning, and studying retrieval algorithms. For instance, development of a new ground-based radar-lidar forward simulator software (the Earth Model Column Collaboratory package) was tested against LES and SCM output for the AWARE case, enabling a confident interpretation of simulator and model performances against observed quantities, and a similar test of a satellite lidar simulator against the well-constrained SCM results led to substantial changes in evaluation conclusions. In addition, the process of seeking to well constrain multiple Lagrangian case studies revealed discrepancies in liquid water path retrieval products and a recommendation to revise product use for GISS-ModelE3 tuning using machine learning. Finally, past LES case studies with realistic aerosol and hydrometeor particle size distributions (using a size-resolved microphysics modeling approach) have been used to test detection of multimodal drop size distributions using multi-angle polarimeter measurements, suggesting an improved route versus use of idealized simulations (e.g., with fixed droplet number concentration). In closing, it is proposed that developing realistic aerosol-to-precipitation LES simulacra of cloud life cycles observed during field campaigns can offer a strong foundational activity for large-scale model physics improvement, providing a clearly actionable pathway to improve the representation of cloud processes, as well as retrievals and model evaluation tools.
2023年3月22日(水) 13:30-15:00
Dr. Richard Forbes (ECMWF)
Title: A clearer view of cloudy skies: Understanding systematic cloud and radiation errors in the ECMWF global model
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 on Mar. 22, 2023.
Place: 270室(General Research Bldg. 2F room 270)
Global weather and climate models have significant regime-dependent systematic errors of clouds and their impacts on radiation, many of which are common across a range of different modelling systems. Here we describe how the systematic cloud and radiation errors in the ECMWF global numerical weather prediction (NWP) model have reduced over the last decade, how they change with increasing model resolution down to the kilometre scale, and how the use of observations and data assimilation has helped to understand the source of errors and implement improvements to the physical parametrizations, with impacts across prediction timescales from hours (data assimilation), to days (weather forecasts) to decades (climate). The focus is on top-of-atmosphere reflected shortwave radiation as it is a key quantity for model assessment: well-observed globally, fundamental for driving the atmospheric and ocean dynamics and is strongly affected by cloud.
2023年3月9日(木) 11:00-12:00
Title: 混相雲内での氷晶形成に関わるエアロゾル
Time: 11:00 - 12:00 on Mar. 9, 2023.
Place: 270室およびZoomによる開催(General Research Bldg. 2F room 270 and Zoom)
約-36℃〜0℃の温度下では過冷却水滴と氷晶が混在する混相雲がしばしば発生する。混相雲内での微物理過程を考慮する上で、エアロゾル-雲相互作用は非常に重要な役割を果たしている。例えば、氷晶核粒子(INP: ice nucleating particle)として働くエアロゾルを介した氷晶形成は、混相雲の光学特性や寿命等に多大な影響をもたらすといわれている。今回のセミナーでは、INPに関する概説やこれまでの実大気中でのINP観測から得られてきている科学的知見などについて紹介する。
2023年2月2日(木) 15:30-16:30
Prof. Sarah M. Kang (UNIST, Korea)
Title: Global impact of recent Southern Ocean cooling
Time: 15:30 - 16:30 on Feb. 2, 2023.
Place: 270室およびZoomによる開催(General Research Bldg. 2F room 270 and Zoom)
Since the beginning of the satellite era, Southern Ocean sea surface temperatures (SSTs) have cooled, despite global warming. While observed Southern Ocean cooling has previously been reported to have minimal impact on the tropical Pacific, the efficiency of this teleconnection has recently shown to be mediated by subtropical cloud feedbacks that are highly model-dependent. Here, we conduct a coupled model inter-comparison of paired ensemble simulations under historical radiative forcing: one with freely evolving SSTs and the other with Southern Ocean SST anomalies constrained to follow observations. We reveal a global impact of observed Southern Ocean cooling in the model with stronger (and more realistic) cloud feedbacks, including Antarctic sea-ice expansion, southeastern tropical Pacific cooling, northward-shifted Hadley circulation, Aleutian Low weakening, and North Pacific warming. Our results therefore suggest that observed Southern Ocean SST cooling might have contributed to cooler conditions in the eastern tropical Pacific in recent decades. This remotely driven eastern tropical Pacific cooling is shown to halve the bias in global radiative feedback during the historical period in coupled simulations.
2023年1月10日(水) 10:00-11:00 (*臨時セミナー/気候コロキウム共催)
Title: Ensemble Simulations of the climate and ice sheets of the Last Glacial Maximum with a climate-ice sheet coupled model
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 on Jan. 10, 2023.
Place: 270室およびZoomによる開催(General Research Bldg. 2F room 270 and Zoom)
Simulating past climates and ice sheets that largely differ from today with climate-ice sheet models is essential to evaluate the their performance and to improve our confidence of future sea level projections. The Last Glacial Maximum is a good target period for this purpose as the global climate was colder by 6K and additional ice sheets of 120m sea level equivalent expanded over the northern continent. Here we performed ensemble simulations of the climate and ice sheets at the Last Glacial Maximum with a recently developed ice sheet-climate coupled model Famous-Bisicles. From these ensemble simulations, we aim to check whether the model reproduces the ice sheets reasonably well and to learn what parameters play a role in controlling the ice volume as well as the global climate. Roles of clouds, albedo and ice sheet basal drag parameters on the climate and ice sheets will be discussed.
2022年12月22日(木)、23日(金) 13:00〜
2022年12月15日(木) 13:30-14:30
Title: イギリス気象庁気候モデルの雲フィードバック過大評価の理解、改善へ向けて:中緯度の雲
Time: 13:30 - 14:30 on Dec. 15, 2022.
Place: 270室およびZoomによる開催(General Research Bldg. 2F room 270 and Zoom)
(cloud controlling factors: 以下c-factors)を使った解析が盛んに進められている。それらの研究の一つ、
Ceppi and Nowack (2021)はridge regression手法をCMIP5,CMIP6の大気海洋結合モデルの出力に適用し、
同様の解析を最新のイギリス気象庁全球大気モデル(HadGEM3 GA8)のPerturbed Parameter Ensemble(PPE)に適用したところ、
2022年11月21日(月) 13:30-15:00
Dr. Malcolm Roberts (Visiting Professor, AORI; Manager, High Resolution Global Climate Modelling, Met Office Hadley Centre, UK)
Title: Global multi-centennial coupled climate modelling towards 10km resolution
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 on Nov. 21, 2022.
Place: 270室およびZoomによる開催(General Research Bldg. 2F room 270 and Zoom)
There is increasing evidence of the importance of improved representation of both the ocean mesoscale and corresponding scales in the atmosphere in global climate models, in order to better understand future climate risk. The Met Office is developing a physical climate model aiming at 10km grid spacings in both atmosphere and ocean, with a view to simulating the full CMIP6 1850-2100 period. The work will build on the understanding gained from CMIP6 HighResMIP and from EU PRIMAVERA while also relaxing some of the constraints used there, such as short ocean spin-up and simplified aerosol forcing. New model components developed since CMIP6, such as a new atmosphere convection scheme, will also be incorporated to improve aspects of large-scale model biases and smaller scales such as cyclone intensities.
Such models are increasingly challenging our standard methods of data output, storage, sharing and analysis, particularly given their improved capabilities to represent high impact weather and hence the need for high frequency output. The project is developing software tools to be run inline with the model simulations, in order to automate analyses such as storm and eddy tracking and frontal diagnosis, with the potential to reduce the storage footprint while speeding up scientific insight.
This work is also engaged with the HighResMIP community and its evolving plans for new science questions and experimental protocols post-CMIP6. It is also a part of a new EU project EERIE (beginning in 2023) led by Thomas Jung, in which four European models will produce simulations at around 10km resolution, initially using the HighResMIP simulation design, to better understand the role of the ocean mesoscale on climate.
2022年10月19日(水) 10:00-12:00
Dr. Marie Sicard (Stockholm University, LSCE/IPSL)
Dr. Gilles Ramstein (LSCE/IPSL)
Dr. Aurlien Quiquet (LSCE/IPSL)
Time: 10:00 - 12:00 on Oct. 19, 2022.
Place: 270室(General Research Bldg. 2F room 270)
Title and Abstract:
・Modelling the evolution of the Greenland ice sheet during the Last Intergl
acial period (Dr. Marie Sicard)
The Last Interglacial (129-116 ka BP; LIG) is one of the warmest periods in the last 800 ka at many locations with a maximum surface temperature increase in the high latitude of the Northern Hemisphere. This period provides a good testing ground to evaluate the ice sheet-climate interactions under warmer conditions than today. We conducted a transient simulation over the interval from 130 to 120 ka using the GRISLI ice sheet model forced by several snapshots run with the IPSL-CM5A2-VLR model. As a result of climate change over the Last Interglacial, the GRISLI ice sheet model simulates a Greenland ice loss of 10.7-57.1 %, corresponding to a GMSL rise of 0.83-4.35 m and a 0.2 C additional warming in the Arctic region. To better assess ice sheet-climate feedbacks in the Arctic, we therefore carried out a preliminary study using the icoLMDZOR model that includes the new dynamical core DYNAMICO developed at the Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL). This study shows that the use of high-resolution atmospheric fields improves the calculation of the surface mass balance in Greenland.
・Last-Interglacial Arctic sea-ice simulated by the CMIP6/PMIP4 climate models - an overview (Dr. Marie Sicard)
The 16 models that run the Last Interglacial (LIG) experiment as part of the CMIP6/PMIP4 exercise consistently produce a smaller Arctic summer sea-ice area at 127 ka BP relative to the pre-industrial period. However, they do not agree on the magnitude of this decrease. This large spread between climate models is partly explained by differences in representation of melt-ponds and cloud microphysics, which affects radiation fluxes over sea-ice. News investigations showed similar sea-ice distribution in the central Arctic between the LIG experiment and an idealized simulation of the near-future climate, but a different sea-ice loss pattern in the Atlantic sector. Climate models generally simulate more sea ice East of Greenland and less sea ice over the Barents Sea for the near-future compared to the LIG. East of Greenland, changes in sea ice are due to a strengthening of the northern winds. In the Barents Sea, the increased sea-ice melt is driven by a warming of the Atlantic Waters along their poleward pathway.
・The greenland icesheet during Pliocene (Dr. Gilles Ramstein)
We first used Pliomip1 simulations using IPSL CM5 climate model and GRISLI in a one-way coupling and different sensitivity experiments (pCO2, insolation) to investigate the full glaciation of Greenland icesheet during late Pliocene (Contoux et. Al, EPSL 2015). We then used an asynchronous coupling method previously developped for Antarctica by Ladant et. Al Paleoceanography 2014 ou 2015), based on 56 sensitivity simulations that enable us to produce different transient simulations driven by different Pco2 scenarios and computed insolation from Laskar (2004). One of the results demonstrates that a CO2 threshold is necessary to build and melt part of the icesheets with insolation forcing. The second important result is to validate which pCO2 scenarios reconstructed from data is the most realistic (Tan et. Al 2019 ou 1017 Nature comm).
・Coupled ice sheet : climate simulations of the last two glacial terminations (Dr. Aurlien Quiquet)
The deglaciation of the Quaternary offers an unique opportunity to understand the climate--ice-sheet interactions in a global warming context. To tackle this question, we use here an ice sheet model synchronously coupled to an Earth system model of intermediate complexity to simulate the last two deglaciations. For the last deglaciation, we show that our simulated ice sheet geometry evolution is in overall good agreement with available global reconstructions. Large-scale grounding line instabilities are simulated both for the Eurasian and North American ice sheets even though the past abrupt sea level rises are underestimated, possibly because the climate model underestimates the millenial-scale temperature variability. In our model, Atlantic oceanic circulation is strongly sensitive to freshwater flux from ice sheet melting and abrupt warming phases in Greenland are linked to oceanic circulation recoveries. The penultimate deglaciation resembles the last deglaciation with a more rapid ice sheet collapse because of stronger insolation forcing. Our model produces a Greenland ice sheet contribution to sea level rise during the last interglacial of about 2 m of sea level equivalent, in agreement with most recent estimates.
2022年10月17日(月) 10:00-11:30
Dr. Mike Fiorino (Visiting Prof of AORI, George Mason University)
Title: A Super Best Track for Tropical Cyclone Forecasting & Research
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 on Oct. 17, 2022.
Place: 270室およびZoomによる開催(General Research Bldg. 2F room 270 and Zoom)
Deterministic tropical cyclone (TC) track forecasts have become so accurate in the medium range (e.g., the mean 72-h position error of the global models is now below predictability 'limits') that I expect tropical cyclone (TC) forecasting to move in new directions that include: 1) a more explicit (and better) prediction of the surface wind field; and 2) 'completing the forecast' with predictions of genesis (and dissipation). Additionally, the availability of high-resolution/high-quality global reanalyses will allow more dynamical studies of long-term TC variability.
Current best track data sets have several deficiencies that limit both research and forecasting since they lack:
* position/intensity/structure data in the pre/potential TC (pTC) genesis stage
* observational analyses of the surface wind field and precipitation
* a ‘diagnostic file,’ with environmental and storm variables known to be related to intensity and structure change (e.g., vertical wind shear)
The foundation of the super best track (BT++) is the 'final' best tracks ofthe two US operational forecast centers - the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) and the National Hurricane Center (NHC). The BT++ is thus global and unique in three important ways by including:
* pTC tracks taken from a curated archive of all (both 'numbered' and INVEST or 9X systems) working best track data from JTWC/NHC since 2005
* dynamical environmental variables (analysis and forecasts) come the latest ECMWF reanalysis - ERA5 - that uses a model with the same resolution as the NWP global models circa 2015
* satellite precipitation and wind radii from surface wind analyses
The initial version of the BT++ covers a 15-year period 2007-2021 and after a brief summary of BT++ properties, the talk gives one application example for TC genesis. In a preliminary BT++, using operational ECMWF analyses/forecasts, we examined the difference between developing and non-developing pTCs. While there was a clear signal of vertical wind shear decreasing 48-72 before genesis, a more surprising result was that the global model vortex also intensified in the developing cases.
The paper concludes with a discussion of other potential science and forecasting applications.
2022年10月13日(木)、14日(金) 13:00〜
2022年5月26日(木) 13:30-15:00
Dr. Masanori Saito (Texas A&M University)
Title: Atmospheric nonspherical particles: Toward advanced cloud-aerosol remote sensing
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 on May. 26, 2022.
Place: 270室およびZoomによる開催(General Research Bldg. 2F room 270 and Zoom)
Spaceborne cloud-aerosol property retrievals have been widely used not only for climate studies and validations of numerical modeling capabilities but also nowadays process-oriented microphysics studies. However, these satellite-based cloud-aerosol products may involve systematic biases and/or uncertainties primarily due to inappropriate assumptions made in the retrieval algorithms. In particular, the particle shape models assumed in the retrieval algorithms are generally much simpler than those in nature that exhibit a variety of particle sizes and nonspherical shapes. In this presentation, I will first briefly review cloud-aerosol remote sensing and the importance of the relevant assumptions of atmospheric nonspherical particles in remote sensing. Next, I will introduce a recently developed comprehensive database for the single-scattering properties of irregular aerosol particles (the so-called TAMUdust2020 database) for mineral dust optical property models as an example. The new mineral dust optical property model assumes an ensemble of various irregular particle shapes that mimic realistic mineral dust particle shapes and their diversity and is developed with state-of-the-art light scattering computational capabilities. Furthermore, I will describe the potential applications of the new optical property model to multi-satellite-based remote sensing of dust aerosols, including spaceborne active and passive sensor observations. If time allows, I will describe an example of an active-passive combined remote sensing of cloud properties for cloud microphysics studies.
References: Saito et al.,(2021) J. Atmos. Sci., 78, 2089-2111; Saito and Yang, (2021) Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2021G095121.
2022年4月21日(木) 13:30-15:00
山本 彬友(AORI, The University of Tokyo)
Title: 海洋生態系・物質循環に対する人為起源の栄養塩流入の影響
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 on Apr. 21, 2022.
Place: 270室およびZoomによる開催
本研究では、大気と河川からの人為起源の栄養塩流入を考慮したCMIP6モデルの一つ(MIROC-ES2L)によるヒストリカル実験を用いて、海洋基礎生産量、炭素吸収量、溶存酸素インベントリーの変化に対する人為起源の栄養塩流入の寄与が気候変動の寄与と同程度であることを示す。特に、 (1)富栄養化は、海洋の温暖化と成層化に伴う基礎生産の減少を打ち消す以上の効果がある、(2)気候変動に伴う海洋上層の貧酸素化を加速し、モデルと観測の不整合の一部を補う、という2つの注目すべき結果が得られた。これらの結果から、海洋の生物地球化学循環に対する人間活動の影響を評価するためには、栄養塩流入と気候変動の両方の影響を考慮することが重要であることがわかった。
2022年4月14日(木) 13:30-15:00
渡辺泰士(AORI, The University of Tokyo)
Title: Co-evolution of atmospheric oxygen level and marine biogeochemical cycles on early Earth
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 on Apr. 14, 2022.
Place: 270室およびZoomによる開催
問い合わせ先: 岡 顕(akira(at)aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp)