Faculty (2024)


E-Mail addresses should be followed by "@aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp"

Name Position Research Subjects E-Mail
Abe-Ouchi, Ayako Professor coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM, ice sheet dynamics, paleo-climate modelling abeouchi
Hasumi, Hiroyasu Divisionhead,
climate dynamics, sea ice, oceanic deep circulation hasumi
Imada, Yukiko Associate Professor Climate Prediction, Extreme Climate Events yimada
Imasu, Ryoichi Professor atmospheric physics, remote sensing of the atmosphere imasu
Miyakawa, Tomoki Associate Professor multi-scale interaction, cloud resolving model, climate model, air-sea interaction, tropical meteorology miyakawa
Oka, Akira Associate Professor climate modeling, thermohaline circulation akira
Suzuki, Kentaroh Professor cloud microphysics, aerosol-cloud-precipitation interaction, cloud and climate modeling, satellite observation analysis ksuzuki
Watanabe, Masahiro Professor dynamics of the large-scale atmospheric circulation, climate modeling, climate dynamics hiro
Yokoyama, Chie Lecturer Cloud-precipitation systems, Tropical Meteorology, Satellite observation, Data analysis chie
Yoshimori, Masakazu Associate Professor global climate model, polar climate change, climate feedbacks, paleoclimate modelling masakazu

Assistant Professor

Name Position Research Subjects E-Mail
Kawasaki, Takao Project Assistant Professor thermohaline circulation, ice-ocean modeling, physical oceanography kawasaki
Takahashi Chiharu Project Assistant Professor  climate change, extreme weather, tropical meteorology chiha 
Ohno, Tomoki Assistant Professor Dynamic Marine Meteorology t-ohno
Roh, Woosub Project Assistant Professor global cloud and precipitation modeling, satellite data simulation ws-roh

Adjunct Professor, Visiting Professor and Cooperation Professor

Name Position Affiliation, Research Subjects E-Mail
Satoh, Masaki Professor Division of Ocean-Earth System Science, Department of Physical Oceanography satoh
Yoshimura, Kei Adjunct Professor Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo kei
Tatebe, Hiroaki Visiting Professor JAMSTEC tatebe
Yashiro, Hisashi Visiting Associate Professor National Institute for Environmental Studies yashiro

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